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  1. stoney's_ghost

    Too much rain - Too much green

    Dang aj, please send that rain to So. Cal man :p This place is going to be one big fire soon! We are supposed to be getting another "El Nino" pattern again where California gets hammered from the warming Pacific. I ain't holding my breath.
  2. stoney's_ghost

    DIY Hydro Growbox Ghost Pepper Update (July 12)

    Yes. I'll try my laptop :)
  3. stoney's_ghost

    DIY Hydro Growbox Ghost Pepper Update (July 12)

    Pepperrancher. I'm trying to upload a YouTube video on my phone. It keeps saying 0% upload progress. What am i doing wrong?
  4. stoney's_ghost


    Could be too much water or peat.
  5. stoney's_ghost

    Serrano Pepper plant not producing flowers

    mpicante and me as well. I'm in Duarte.
  6. stoney's_ghost

    Serrano Pepper plant not producing flowers

    If you are ferting with nitrogen..stop. How are your temps?
  7. stoney's_ghost

    First Year Pepper Family

    Looking good! Keep us updated. Dave
  8. stoney's_ghost

    video Video Update

    Very nice Tim! I still have to do a video :-) Dave
  9. stoney's_ghost

    My insane Pequin plant.

    Awesome! Let us know how that goes!
  10. stoney's_ghost

    Afraid to look for storm damage

    Glad to hear you are ok aj! We had some winds last night here but my plants faired well.
  11. stoney's_ghost

    My insane Pequin plant.

    Thanks guys :-) It must love our soil here. This plant loved being in a container but I think it likes it better in the ground. Highly recommended plant.. You'll love it.
  12. stoney's_ghost

    Repotting Bhuts.

    Hab shape it appears.
  13. stoney's_ghost

    Pepper won't grow.

    Soil looks really moist. Could be retaining too much water. Do you have adequate drainage? Might add more perlite.
  14. stoney's_ghost

    Chocolate BBG7 turning

    Looks real hot! Looks real hot!
  15. stoney's_ghost

    Moruga Scorpion update.

    Ha ha. Thanks! Keep us up to date on your plant :)
  16. stoney's_ghost

    Moruga Scorpion update.

    Found 3 hornworms on it yesterday. Thankfully plucked them off before any damage done.
  17. stoney's_ghost

    Repotting Bhuts.

    Definitely not Bhut. I'm thinking a Caribbean type.
  18. stoney's_ghost

    Upward growing peppers

    The C. frutescens all grow upward when mature. Only one I'm growing is Tabasco.
  19. stoney's_ghost

    New Grower - Have A Look

    Looking good Mike! Yeah, at least 5 gallon containers are what I recommend. My plants are in 5 Gallon buckets with numerous holes for drainage. If you get temps above 95, you may want to shield your containers. I use plywood. This will keep your roots cooler to avoid flower drop. As far as...
  20. stoney's_ghost

    Moruga Scorpion update.

    That's what I bought it as. Skin is crazy bumpy. I think the last one was a winter pod. Skin was smooth and pod was insanely hot!