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  1. J.H.Skarby

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Wow! Very good looking violet pods :D Are the whites turning violet?
  2. J.H.Skarby

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Seems the white is gonna keep giving everyone troubles.. But very interesting to follow the development nonetheless :) They are really good looking plants!
  3. J.H.Skarby

    Interesting variation

    It looks so pretty, wow! I hope you will have a nice harvest from the plant :D
  4. J.H.Skarby

    J.H.Skarby amateur growlog

    Quick update. Here is my BMJ. It has a couple of pods growing on it atm but you can easily tell this pepper is not really made for open areas in Denmark :O Nevertheless it still stands! Looked at my CP 115 plant and found several pods on it. This one is by far the coolest one yet And Wild...
  5. J.H.Skarby

    J.H.Skarby amateur growlog

    Thank you, Caranx :D
  6. J.H.Skarby

    J.H.Skarby amateur growlog

    Alright guys! It's been a rough couple of months. Sadly, a close relative passed away and We've been so busy. Things are working out nicely with the peppers and tomatoes though! The weather took it's toll on all the plants outside but they sure bounced back like champions. It's amazing to...
  7. J.H.Skarby

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Those are quite cool looking! Nice
  8. J.H.Skarby

    Chilli Seeds In The UK

    Hello and :welcome: from Denmark I have very good experience buying and growing seeds purchased from :) I can also recommend that you follow them on social media
  9. J.H.Skarby

    J.H.Skarby amateur growlog

    A little update on my grow. It's great to have an ongoing project. These days it looks as if it would be coming together nicely. One problem though.. The winds are beating up my plants really bad these days. :( Honestly I don't expect much of a harvest from any of my plants after the setbacks...
  10. J.H.Skarby

    J.H.Skarby amateur growlog

    Thanks a lot Les! :) Been trying Hard to find some great stuff to grow.. Sometimes a bit too hard :D Oh, so you're Danish too? Which part of the country do you come from? It's been nice for me personally but for the plants? Not so much :/ Hope yours are doing better than mine are!
  11. J.H.Skarby

    J.H.Skarby amateur growlog

    Thank you Trident! :)
  12. J.H.Skarby

    J.H.Skarby amateur growlog

    Thank you Paul! :)
  13. J.H.Skarby

    J.H.Skarby amateur growlog

    It's my first time doing this, so please correct my mistakes and.. Be gentle.. :) I started some of the seeds in late 2018 going through to febuary 2019. Due to harsh weather conditions my plants has only been placed outside recently on a permanent basis. There is a lot of wind where I live...
  14. J.H.Skarby

    Growing peppers in the north! Hydro all day everyday.

    Yeah, he's really started a trend with those. And so many people has given positive feedback after testing it for themselves! Yesterday I noticed a video of his about hydro nutrients vs other water soluble nutrients, which has really encouraged me to have a swing at it with Hornum fertilizer -...
  15. J.H.Skarby

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Thanks Paul! :) Ehm.. It hasn't worked out too well for me. Im keeping it indoors so far just to play it safe.. In fact most of my plants are still inside, while I attempt to build some kind of protection against the winds we are having. Big one on the photo is BMJ and the leggy survivalist...
  16. J.H.Skarby

    Growing peppers in the north! Hydro all day everyday.

    Here's my BMJ and BOC in cloth pots. At least they are going places now :) BMJ was repotted last week and the BOC was done today. Still only 1 fruit on BMJ which was crossed with Carbonero. Just fooling around to see if anything happens.. For now.. Hehe..
  17. J.H.Skarby

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    I see. Sounds a whole lot better than the environment mine has been growing in :) I topped it some weeks ago and it still seems to be some stunted from the first days of heat. Trying my best to be patient with it but it sure aint pretty :P You did a Very good job with yours ! Thanks for the...
  18. J.H.Skarby

    Growing peppers in the north! Hydro all day everyday.

    Congratulations on your medical degree :D Alright, I'll go check it out :) Something other than doublecup/bucket methods? Been looking at ferts on a danish hydro site - is General Hydroponics fertilizer the way to go? Or should I look for something else? Not jumping in to hydro just yet...
  19. J.H.Skarby

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Haven't seen anything Neyde related looking so Chinense like before. They usually look leggy to me - but this is awesome. Do you use some special type of feed for the soil, trimming or any other 'tricks' to promote growth like that?
  20. J.H.Skarby

    Hello from Sweden

    A warm (No pun intended.. No srsly!) :welcome: from Denmark to you, fellow Pepper Islander :)