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  1. J.H.Skarby

    New Grower

    :Welcome: to Pepper Island, from Denmark to you :)
  2. J.H.Skarby


    :Welcome: aboard the PepperShip from Denmark to you :)
  3. J.H.Skarby

    Carbonero pods ripening! Yaay

    Thank you good sir! :) My apoligies for being super enthusiastic about it to such a degree that my post was placed in the wrong sub-forum
  4. J.H.Skarby

    Carbonero pods ripening! Yaay

    I have read a lot of positive things about this Pepper so I decided to grow it this season. My plant seems very robust - not huge but very, very pretty. Its covered with little hairs, much like a Pubescens typically would be. The plant has a silvery glow in daylight on top of the dark green...
  5. J.H.Skarby


    We have a breakthrough! I got the seeds a few minutes ago :D Takanotsume is a freebie - same goes for Bergpalm and Burning Bush. Interesting stuff! :D Very happy that the letter got here hehe
  6. J.H.Skarby


    Nope.. Still waiting. Mail is troublesome in Scandinavia - especially to the mailmen. But I am very happy with the customer service received from :)
  7. J.H.Skarby

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Imo nothing in the pepper growing world can beat those looks at such an early stage. :)
  8. J.H.Skarby


    Letter was returned to sender because mailoffice failed to recognize my address.. Luckily the website has very good costumer service and the letter is now being sent one more time :) Am still looking forward to open that letter :)
  9. J.H.Skarby

    chinense Texas Scorpion

    Fruits from your cross are looking real nice! I hope you make some interesting finds during the season and that they taste great :)
  10. J.H.Skarby

    Can anyone bring me up to speed as to what has happened since 2011?

    Its easy to see why too. PdN crosses are some of the most beautiful plants to many people, and I am definitely one of them :) In fact, I would do some crosses with PdN myself - if mine would start producing flowers... Someday.. XD I suspect the climate to be an issue as well. Italian and US...
  11. J.H.Skarby

    Can anyone bring me up to speed as to what has happened since 2011?

    In Denmark we usually see people wanting to buy a couple of them for up to 10 x that amount for some random chili tasting at work or whatever - it's mostly outside the growing season though :D
  12. J.H.Skarby

    Can anyone bring me up to speed as to what has happened since 2011?

    :welcome: back, Taj :) Im one of the new kids on the block. Been lurking for a long time though.. Most replies has already told you about what's new in the pepper World. One thing I've noticed over the past 4-5 years is that Pimenta da Neyde is an incredibly popular variety to cross with...
  13. J.H.Skarby

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Fantastic! Job well done to everyone of You who is involved :D
  14. J.H.Skarby

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Thanks for the info! :) To answer your first reply - I'm not in a hurry at the moment. But I am very interested in trying it! :) The Danish season has just begun and my peppers were germinated in november-january. I've taken over 1/3 of our dining room for peppers and my wife can't wait for...
  15. J.H.Skarby


    :welcome: from Denmark! :)
  16. J.H.Skarby


    :welcome: from Denmark to you
  17. J.H.Skarby

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    Wow.. So many pages of awesome Pepper pics and information that it took me days going through the thread (got a big family around). Are seeds for the White and violet still available? How is the general taste of the pods? You guys have really done an amazing job of stabilizing the strains! Has...
  18. J.H.Skarby

    Growing peppers in the north! Hydro all day everyday.

    It's very interesting to follow your progress, Mild. Been wanting to try hydro grows for a while, but with no personal knowledge of the process, it's difficult for me to know where to start. Kratky seems like a "safe" route for beginners, especially here in Denmark where we have those systems...
  19. J.H.Skarby


    Too many species.. So little time.. Grrr! :D Been trying to hold back for 2 years now. Wife thinks Im a loony for keeping an eye out for new crosses etc.. I'm lucky that a pack of seeds come relatively cheap :P Going further off topic - Perhaps it's time to start crossing peppers myself lol
  20. J.H.Skarby


    Placed an order for : Foodarama Scotch Bonnet TFM Scotch Bonnet Scotch Brain Peachadew - looks like a "two birds with one stone" thing to me.. I will post an update when the seeds arrive! And maybe... I wont order any more seeds from now on. MAYBE!