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  1. birdfather

    7-pot savannah leaves me on a high

    another great review. you are the man, nigel. 
  2. birdfather

    Pods rotting on the plant?

    i have that problem. i have snails and spiny stink bugs around. haven't figured out which one or if it's both
  3. birdfather

    bottles-jars Bottles in Sweden?

    it looks like you could find something on there. i just use mason jars myself, but a bottle might be a little more handy
  4. birdfather

    Purple Black Naga Plant

    the purple looks like possibly suntan. most superhots have purple in the stems and will get a purpleish suntan where it's not protected from the sun by the leaves   then again you could have a cross. i'd have to see closer probably to tell you with any certainty. all 3 pics look like the same...
  5. birdfather

    My first pod turning Red

    they do seem to take forever,  but once they start turning you should have more than you know what to do with. 
  6. birdfather

    seeds Seed sprouted upside down?

    the seed is supposed to be at the top. dont worry about it
  7. birdfather

    Need HELP!!!!!!!

    ice on affected area.
  8. birdfather


    the reds don't really taste different. they turn green when you cook them too. 
  9. birdfather


    love okra. piece of cake to grow down here in FL. looks like you've got the hang of it. 
  10. birdfather

    How often does this happen? (twins)

    i've had it maybe 4 times. every time a different pepper. save the seeds. who knows maybe you'll get more. that's the idea.
  11. birdfather

    what do you mean maybe?

    what do you mean maybe?
  12. birdfather

    she is sexy, isn't she.

    she is sexy, isn't she.
  13. birdfather

    chinense Carolina Reaper and Pepper Stabilization

    just don't call them "carolina reaper" and you will be fine. what a bunch of bullshit. glad i didn't give my money to them and have no interest in paying a dollar a seed for an unstable, accidental cross that somebody's trying to get rich from. 
  14. birdfather

    chinense Drying Ghosts On a line

    i would chop it in half and let it sit to dry if you don't have a dehydrator. i  always chop them in half, otherwise i get a greyish white powdery mold inside. 
  15. birdfather

    seeds starting FRESH seeds....

    just plant them. they will probably germinate faster than any seeds you've planted before.
  16. birdfather

    Is my bhut jolokia big enough to top?

    i would say yes
  17. birdfather

    No heat from my (so called) Lemon Habaneros

    i've had yellow habanero seeds that ended up orange but they had no heat either. cut back on the water and pick them after the soil has been dry for a few days and i bet they will be hotter. 
  18. birdfather

    habaneros ripening prematurely

    i would venture to say yes it did. 
  19. birdfather

    Not Bhut Jolokia?

    Turk's cap.... i have one growing pods look similar. almost zero heat. 