I am in - #4...
wow - I'm finally rewarded for being a night owl... lets see who snaps up the last one in the AM! Awesome lots of kinds I have been wanting to try!
i am a volunteer mainly for voter registration but we also work with the homeless and restoring people's rights. I haven't read the entire thread. In my experience, you have to choose a charity that is near and dear to you because people get burned out...and frustrated very quickly if you...
I germinate during our monsoon season (now) and overwinter them so they have a head start in the desert heat next year. I am getting great germination... just so you guys waiting till Dec-Jan know what to expect! ( From AjiJoe's seed stock of course)
From Tucabail. I think he posts his list on his profile. If you see some you are interested in PM me it will save $5 postage from Brazil. i can send you the list of what i got if you are interested.