Looks like the garden of Eden!....... What are the two lonely corn stalks for?
....and i am going to look for that poo as well. Maybe it is an east coast product?
i will be the first to admit there is a language/communication barrier. I am sure you know that too in being from Korea. Let me know what happened and i can help fix it maybe. I know he wouldn't want to have you unhappy.
we will fix it,
GO away psycho Valin24! this isn't the first time you have stolen accounts or been banned from a forum. Google Valin24 ! he isn't smart enough to clean up his mess. I am over being ripped off - i don't want others and new members to be turned off by you. SEEK THERAPY we are not your...
Just goes to show...create good Karma and you shall receive the same :-) All the big guns surfaced to fill your list quickly!
Awesome Tyler.. and thank you!
He is not a commercial vendor, but i would like to give a public thanks and recommendation to member Tucabail in Brazil. He obviously does it out of love - as his prices are very resonable as well shipping costs. My order arrived in 2 weeks from Rio to Southwestern US. He has alot of...
Monkey Face? AjiJoe has them I know... both red and yellow. Yours however seems to have more of a peter on the end. lol
Wow - not cool. Bishop's Crown, Uba Tuba, Nepalese bell, Christmas Bell, Cambuci - I bought the same thing about 4 times... but it was never labeled a Butch-T! :shocked:
Are you trying to spell guerito? It means white or light skinned boy in Espanol. I have it ..bought from a grizzled Mexican lady at the south side farmers market. From what I could understand she got the seeds in Mexico.
Reread.. I probably have the more common type. I will taste it first pod...