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  1. AZpepperGirl

    bonda ma jacques

    I am getting fresh ones in a few weeks. I will PM you.
  2. AZpepperGirl

    bonda ma jacques

    Thank you!
  3. AZpepperGirl

    bonda ma jacques

    you got them? I want them... i have most things on my grow list PM me. THX, Sophie
  4. AZpepperGirl


    Warning! get payment from this guy before you send him anything.
  5. AZpepperGirl

    wanted Looking for the following JalapeƱo varieties

    Craigs is from Redwood City seeds...ecoseeds. I think that is his trademark? He was very helpful to me. Romy6 - those poppers look to die for..
  6. AZpepperGirl

    tracks on a leaf?

    I noticed similar 'tracks' on a few of my plants this morning. I was thinking it was some type of tiny slug but would like to hear what others think.
  7. AZpepperGirl

    closed all order,s placed with be shipped thanks

    lol - tyler is a good kid. asking the questions we hesitate to ask. i did think that too ;-)
  8. AZpepperGirl

    wanted looking for brazilan star fish seed and giant jalopeno seed

    Yes I got some starfish from Joe too. What are the Giant Jalepenos called... Rome Jalepenos or Jalamundos? I hate how they rename everything. The growers in California do a lot of that. If you can figure out what it is called I am sure I can find it.
  9. AZpepperGirl

    closed all order,s placed with be shipped thanks

    Change is good! Everyone wants something for free. "Hell is other people"... J. P. Sartre
  10. AZpepperGirl

    wanted Looking for unusual Pepper/seeds

    I have them of
  11. AZpepperGirl

    LF: pepper seeds in the Philippines

    If you want to trade seeds with Chiliempire you can PM me and i will make sure he gets them. I am in the US and have lots of seeds he sent me. I can trade for seeds he may want. It is too expensive to send SASBE out of Manila. We have seed mule ;-)
  12. AZpepperGirl

    wanted looking for peter pepper seeds ( penis pepper)

    I am in the US and have them. Waiting for red crop to ripen and I have seeds for yellow ones. PM me if you can wait a week or two to get them. I recently sent seeds to Manila and it was only $1.75 USD.
  13. AZpepperGirl

    wanted looking for these seeds

    Respect... Lots of experience on this thread. Thank you for your help each of you!
  14. AZpepperGirl

    on 12 plants I have SEVEN fruits !! :( I need to buy some !!

    Hi Kat - So happy to see more female chilli growers. My family has a cattle ranch in Kansas (luckily not a farm) and I know the weather has been brutal there. Sorry I don't have pods to offer. I would like to add you as a reference as I plan to move back there to help my parents in the next...
  15. AZpepperGirl

    Buying Seeds

    I will look for warning signs like deleted conversations. I had such a good experience with AjiJoe, Tex, Tucabail from Brazil, and Delaney- thank you! Most people I have traded with have been wonderful and have an undisputed reputation for kindness and generosity.. I agree with ChilliHeadITM -...
  16. AZpepperGirl

    Buying Seeds

    I have spoke to a long time member on here that doesn't trade anymore due to not getting seeds in return or a thank you for free ones. I can see why - things like that ruin it for everyone. Live and learn is right armac ;-)
  17. AZpepperGirl

    Buying Seeds

    To clarify there was a semi-contentious exchage between ARMAC (texas) and Valin (Alabama) on another post about trustworthyness of seed sources... I felt ARMAC was holding some resentment and carring it over into this new post. I don't know now though... The seeds I sent Valin have disappeared...
  18. AZpepperGirl

    closed all order,s placed with be shipped thanks

    Very nice of you thank you!
  19. AZpepperGirl

    Buying Seeds

    Why is Texas having a problem with Alabama? Too many dudes and not enough ladies on this site...