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  1. Martino

    Is this Copper difficiency?

    Hi Guys. I went thru the manuals and the closest to solving my issue is maybe a copper diffidence. The leaves bend upwards on the sides. i have about 2 plants going thru this. Our soil have alot of lime, if that might be something.       thanks Martino
  2. Martino

    Does Pod Shape matter when selecting seeds

                  I bought Butch T and only one pod between about 50 in total on the tree is looking like a Butch T. I think i must just buy seeds seeds from the creator then. its a hard lesson learned, spend the money, grow your plants and then eventually they are all different. (just feeling sorry...
  3. Martino

    Does Pod Shape matter when selecting seeds

    Thanks man. I thought i messed up. I am a newby. I did put every plants seeds together. tnks again Thanks for your input. I am kicking myself. I planted my Butch T, Carolina Reaper and Ghost Peppers close to one another, about 2-3 Feet. One of the seeds i am growing shows a mix between Ghost and...
  4. Martino

    Does Pod Shape matter when selecting seeds

    Thanks alot. i appreciate it
  5. Martino

    Does Pod Shape matter when selecting seeds

    I have a Butch T which yields very good. i want to keep seeds of it. some Pods is Typical Butch T and others looks like a moruga.   will different pods produce true offspring to the pod  or does it not matter.   Thanks  
  6. Martino

    SBS purple ornamental

    Amazing plant. If you have a few seeds to spare please let me know. Love the colours
  7. Martino

    Hello from PepperJo of Pepper Joe's

    I agree. Something I learned in business is that you can't cost-cut yourself to greatness, you can trade yourself to greatness. Thanks Laura, I appreciate it. Let us know when the new website is up and running. Have a great new years Eve.
  8. Martino

    Hello from PepperJo of Pepper Joe's

    Thanks Laura. I love it when people man-up. And you didn't caused it. It says a lot about you.
  9. Martino

    If people don't know what your passion is, you most probably don't have one.

    If people don't know what your passion is, you most probably don't have one.
  10. Martino

    Hello from PepperJo of Pepper Joe's

    Hi Laura. Welcome and i wish you a lot of success.   Just to share with you my experience with Pepperjoe. I do not keep it against you or the newfound company. in December 2014 I bought Peppers for 2015 season. My first time as a pepper grower. It takes months to find out if one have the right...
  11. Martino

    Top half is light yellow

    yes, you are right. thanks
  12. Martino

    Top half is light yellow

    I changes the soil and gave them a light feeding , and they are bouncing back within a few days!! when i changed the soil, i saw that the roots did not took to the new soil. I think it was acidic soil or something.   Thanks for all your help.  
  13. Martino

    chinense The best tasting non-hot C.chinense ever - The Aji jobito

    Hope you all have a great day. Accept the auction, is there another way to get hold of these amazing peppers. Thanks
  14. Martino

    vendor Lindberg

    I am after these sweet peppers, but this link appears blank. Do you have any other information where I can get these seeds. Thanks again
  15. Martino

    Top half is light yellow

    Yes it is extremely hot. About 40 degrees Celsius everyday. I don't know about the water but I have a suspect it can be a ph problem. Yes the ph might be the culprit. I think it got to do with the wood shavings I use. I did hydroponics way back and I remember shavings accumulate salts. Thanks
  16. Martino

    Is this a Pepper.

    Thanks guys. I am going to stick to reputable guys. I bought ghost peppers from a big online pepper Co and it turned out to be red Habanero's. I bought from him butch t as well and it doesn't look like the advert. But, hey 2015 is gone, lessons learned and 2016 is going to be great. Have a...
  17. Martino

    Is this a Pepper.

    I am a new pepper grower and I planted anything i could get hold of. This plant has long wavey leaves ant it has an unpleasant smell. I have about 7 of them and now the flowers even looks like a pepper flower. Is this pepper any good. What bothers me is the leaves. it has an unpleasant smell if...
  18. Martino

    Bought these as Pepperdew, but i doubt it

    You are right, it is a trademark. I love those peppadew 's so much. I saw the same one I have at the nursery and it seems to get close to tennis ball size before ripening. Thanks alot for your contribution. I am going to read more about the C.Baccatum to be more knowledgeable. Thanks for...
  19. Martino

    Bought these as Pepperdew, but i doubt it

    Thanks alot. I will check it out.
  20. Martino

    Bought these as Pepperdew, but i doubt it

    The fruit points upwards and is becoming to big. is this another strain perhaps.     