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  1. R

    rjacobs 2016 GLOG

      Right now all I have is the 4 reapers you see in the picture.  I started the 4 other varieties listed in the first post in my seed starter.  The plan is to re-pot those seeds into solo cups or small square plastic potting containers and put them in the tent until everything can go back outside...
  2. R

    rjacobs 2016 GLOG

      Its a Mars-Hydro Mars II 900w. 
  3. R

    rjacobs 2016 GLOG

    Was having heat and humidity issues in my closet I was using as a grow room so I bought a grow tent today.   Its a GrowLab GL80L tent.  3x5x8 I think it is.  Cost 170 bucks.  Quality is ok, a few pin holes, but nothing that really concerns me.  One of the corner seams ripped out as I was trying...
  4. R

    grow room(closet) humidity issue

    Got the grow tent.  Size is perfect.  Quality is ok, but for 170 bucks I cant complain.  Its not as nice as the Gorilla tent's, but its also not a 450+ dollar tent.  One of the seams in a corner tore when I was trying to get the tent over the frame.  I stitched it up as best I could and I am...
  5. R

    grow room(closet) humidity issue

      yea fan is on the timer.   With the door of the closet cracked open things are doing much better.   With the grow tent I bought I will probably continue to run the circulation fan on the timer, but the exhaust fan on full time.     What about the exhaust fan?  24/7 as well or let it shut down...
  6. R

    grow room(closet) humidity issue

      I already had a fan for circulation, it was mentioned in my OP.     Got a tent and 4" exhaust fan(hurricane 4" in line) ordered and am picking it up tomorrow.  Just going to use the fan for exhaust and let it pull air from the bottom inlets and exhaust out the top.  The 4" is rated at like 175...
  7. R

    grow room(closet) humidity issue

    Think im going to go pick up a tent tomorrow.  Growlab GL80L is the perfect size for what I am doing and a local shop has them for 170 which is just as cheap as anywhere online.   Ive got this as my drip pan already in my closet...
  8. R

    grow room(closet) humidity issue

      I thought about getting a tent and may still.  A buddy of mine is asking if he can stay with me for a few months and this closet is in the room that he would be using, so I may need to do something about it.  Havent decided yet what, but a grow tent is probably on the list.  Probably easier too.
  9. R

    rjacobs 2016 GLOG

    Figured I would start up a GLOG as this will be my first big year.  Last year all I did was Carolina Reaper and got 9 plants out of 10 seeds.  They took forever to germinate.  Started 5 in paper towel/zip lock bag.  Nothing happened after 2-3 weeks so moved them into hydro seed starter.  Also...
  10. R

    grow room(closet) humidity issue

    After a few days of leaving the closet door cracked open everything seems to be going back to being normal.  Leaf yellowing and drop appears to be back to basically zero.  Flower drop has also stopped and the new flowers that are open look to be doing well.  The leaves with edema will just take...
  11. R

    grow room(closet) humidity issue

    Im not going to be modifying the closet and adding an exhaust fan, just not going to happen.  Its a walk in closet in my guest room.   I cracked the door open basically a finger width last night when I closed the door and this morning it appears the humidity is pretty low in the closet, although...
  12. R

    grow room(closet) humidity issue

    Got my 4 reaper plants indoors in a closet(roughly 4x6) with a 900w Mars hydro LED and a small fan on a 12 hour timer(going to step up to 14 and then 16 after plants get used to LED).   They are showing signs of over watering(yellow leaves dropping, flowers dropping, and now some edema).  I...
  13. R

    indoor Mold problems with potted indoor pepper plants

    The theme of this thread seems to be STOP PUTTING LIQUIDS ON YOUR PLANTS and yet you continue to FAIL at heeding the advice of everybody to STOP PUTTING LIQUIDS ON YOUR PLANTS and let them dry out.
  14. R

    This guy eats 5lbs of peppers a day

    But does he put yogurt on his ass to soothe the burn... thats the important question.
  15. R

    flowers transitioning to pods ... please describe

    Ive gotten 2 pods off of 4 first year plants.  TONS of flowers.  TONS of flower drop.  Ive read every explanation for it from not enough nutrients, to much nutrients, to hot, to cold, to much water, not enough water, to much sun, not enough sun, to small of a pot, to large of a pot, etc...  The...
  16. R

    Burn down?

    My buddy in Kentucky calls the Dept of Conservation(maybe dept of natural resources?) and they will come burn his land for him, put it out, etc...  He burns several hundred acres every year this way and does basically no work and it costs him nothing.
  17. R

    Anyone bringing in their plants from outdoors?

    Just brought these Reapers in tonight.  Sprayed down yesterday with Bonide Fruit and Tomato spray to try to get a head start on any bugs(I havent seen a single bug on them outdoors) and just before I brought them in I doused the base and the top of the soil again and plan to watch them fairly...
  18. R

    Grow light recommendations

    LED would run you $700 or so for enough to cover that much area.   You would need something like 2x of the Mars Hydro Mars II 900watt models which are rated for a 3.5x3.5 area.  They are ~350 a piece.   I looked at doing 2x of the 400w, but the price was a little more than 1 of the 900w for...
  19. R

    Wasn't expectin

      AH your killin me.  I got 2 varieties of Aji to grow here in Dallas next year and was hoping they would do well.  Im planning to put up shade cloth over all of my beds since my back yard has no natural shade save for my fence!
  20. R


    how does basil tolerate heat?   Im interested in doing some herbs(basil, rosemary, oregano, and maybe 2-3 others), but am concerned about the heat we get in Texas in the summer.