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    Flushing leaching plants

    personally you should water in between feeds.. feed, water, water.. but if you insist on feeding with every watering then i would just use plain water after 3-4 feedings.
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    soil GH Flora Series for Soil Grow - Concentration

      check that Ppm meter for accuracy because 67ppm for RO water is pretty high.. i have the cleanest tap water in the nation and it comes out the tap at only 43 ppm.. btw did you deduct the 67ppm from 337? because even at 330~ ppm it seems pretty low. i use maxibloom, and from what i gather it's...
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    soil GH Flora Series for Soil Grow - Concentration

      salt is a problem with just about any fertilizer which is why you're suppose water several times in between to keep salt from building up.
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    Netting the darn things

    close intense light.
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    Maxibloom - anyone using it?

    i've started some plants, they're about 6 weeks old and 8-10 inches tall. plants look great,all green no single brown spot, etc. yet the very first blossoms have been dropping off shorting after the flower opens (about a day or two).   so either too much fert or not enough? im only giving them...
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    hydroponic My pepper hydroponic grow experiment

    so... i pollinated the first flower that had been wide open for about a day.. the next day the white pedal fell off and looked to be a pepper starting to develop, but the following day the entire blossom turned slighly yellow an fell off the plant. :(   goddamn peppers and their stupid sensitive...
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    hydroponic My pepper hydroponic grow experiment

    put them in a larger reservoir last week, but appears that i may have to relocate the middle plant as the other 4 plants might over crowd it. the middle plant is the smallest as that one almost died when it sprouted due to the lack of water. it recovered fine, but it's a couple weeks behind...
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    Biggest haul off a single plant , single picking?

    even thought CT is north, we tend to have a pretty long growing seasons because we are by the shore. our grow season is much longer compared to other northern/inland states due to the warm sea water.. i've had plants in the ground since April.
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    hydroponic My pepper hydroponic grow experiment

    update   plants are doing great, they are still rather short, around 8 inches tall and they are flowierng like crazy already.. it seems they are just growing way bushy with no upward growth.   i'll have some pictures later this evening.
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    can t5's really grow pods

    in order to maximize T5 bulbs efficiency you MUST use a fixture with built in reflectors. those cheap shop fixtures don't work well because half the light is wasted.   i have one of these...
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    Is there any way to keep pepper plants relatively small?

    if you let it stay in a small container and let it get too much roots and later in the future decide to grow it larger it will take much longer to recover than if you just pruned it to keep it small and was in a proper size pot.
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    help is this fixable

    spray all the plants with neem oil. it's great for just about all plant problems (bugs, bacteria, etc) and its organic.
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    hydroponic My pepper hydroponic grow experiment

    it sure can get out of hand haha.. i'm growing greens in my bedroom! nothing like getting up in the morning to the smell of leafy greens lol.. however the cost of setup is minimal compared to buying produce.  
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    hydroponic My pepper hydroponic grow experiment

    Hi, i'm kinda new here. late July i ate some of those mini sweet peppers and loved them. they are very small, about the size of a jalapeno, and expensive. about 7-8 dollars for a 1.5lbs bag. decided to take a chance and saved some of the seeds to grow them.   anyhow, this is more of an...
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    soil WonderSoil

    chances are if it has coco then it's good stuff.. and not to mention how superior it is compared to peat.
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    seeds Question on Germinating

    i don't know why people try to grow peppers thinking they are growing weed.    germinating seeds on towel papper is a thing people do for growing pot because the seeds have a tough outer shell and are harder to germinate because of the shell, or another reason for per-sprouting is for when...
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    hydroponic minimizing hydroponic plant shock

    thanks.   that's what i don't get.. some people who grow cannabis say they flush with plain water for a day or two before adding nutrients again. to me going from no nutes to nutes should create bigger chance of shock when increasing nutrients. perhaps it could of been a different thing...
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    hydroponic minimizing hydroponic plant shock

    hello,   so i had some great 3 week old peppers plants that are (were) doing very well. after the 3 weeks i decided to i flush the reservoir and increase nutrients from 250PPM to 350PPM since the plants are now bigger (i was giving them nutrients @ 1/4 strength), but this minor increase seems to...
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    double post (ignore)

    apologies, please delete. topic got posted twice for some reason. original thread:
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    plant distance from HID bulb

    Hello,   I have a 250W MH bulb, iirc it's around 21,000 lumens. i also have a 250 HPS bulb, but i'm looking for small compact plants and from what i gather HPS tend to cause plants to strech more. anyhow, i'm wondering at what distance to keep the bulb. i realize closer is typically better.. but...