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  1. Sarg3

    greenhouse I made a little printout for those who use the 72 cell greenhouses

    It's going to save me a good deal of time. I'll just slide the sheet under each tray so I can't misplace it.      Thanks BC.  Neat site I bookmarked it for later use. 
  2. Sarg3

    greenhouse I made a little printout for those who use the 72 cell greenhouses

    I got tired of drawing the cells out on paper.  This should come in quite handy for us.    If you have facebook please like and share this around for me.     For those who do not have facebook, click this link and open with...
  3. Sarg3

    seeds Is Cross Pollination Likely? How to get pure seeds

    Was referring to Duffy's isolation. 
  4. Sarg3

    seeds Is Cross Pollination Likely? How to get pure seeds

    Ifyoudo a thorough search you'll find that myth has been busted. 
  5. Sarg3

    seeds Is Cross Pollination Likely? How to get pure seeds

    all depends on spacing and how many plants you're growing.  To throw a number like 1 in 1000 is just silly.  All depends on your growing setup/amount.  I don't believe Jim isolates.  I don't know any who do except some of us backyard growers.  I will be this year on certain plants.  Of course...
  6. Sarg3

    free Gotrox 2014 free "mystery Seeds" *CLOSED*

    awesome deal
  7. Sarg3

    New Year's 12 Pack Giveaway - Winner Announced

    oh my that would keep me happy for a long time.    I'd like to guess 811   Thanks buddy.  :)
  8. Sarg3

    event New Year Giveaway? Yes - Contest is on.

    I'd love a chance at winning some.  :)
  9. Sarg3

    annuum "Fooled you" Jalapeno: Any one have them?

    Been reading up on these after my fiancee's cousin mentioned he liked jalapeno's but wish they weren't as hot so he could just snack on them.  I have done some reading on them before and a couple places said they produce no seeds so you have to buy them from seed companies who create the...
  10. Sarg3

    Seed Suggestions for 2014? (Esp. Hot Stuffing Peppers!)

    same pepper different name.  Also goes by a number of other names
  11. Sarg3

    seeds Question about seed saving

    you should be good.  If nothing else grab a banana and throw both in a paper sack closed up for a few days.  It'll fully ripen
  12. Sarg3

    drying New dehydrator help_jerky

    could always sprinkle some pepper powder on a tray full and keep note of which one so the others won't be as hot.  I add my heat this way since not every one likes it in the marinade.
  13. Sarg3

    Chocolate Scorpion sprouts!

    Personally I'd let them get about 4 inches tall.  I usually don't bunch mine up that close but hav had a few in one small pile before.  They don't tangle bad at that young age and even if you tear a root or two they'll most likely be fine.    If you do it now use a big spoon and scoop a few at a...
  14. Sarg3

    drying New dehydrator help_jerky

    make your cuts before it thaws.  Much easier to get even, thin slices while it's pretty frozen.  Can't help on the sweet and spicy I usually just marinate in dales seasoning or the kroger brand which is the same stuff. 
  15. Sarg3

    seeds When do I move the seedlings to cups?

    I do it when they're about 4" tall.  Although I've done it much earlier before
  16. Sarg3

    Chocolate Superhots, Christmas Edition!! (Vomit Alert*)

    I would guess Chocolate Trinidad Scorpions
  17. Sarg3

    seeds Best way to label seeds

    little craft baggies are what I store them in.  For labeling I write what it is on an index card, cut it and put it in the baggie. 
  18. Sarg3

    super id

    Can't help you on what typem it is, but the fast wilting is do to the small container you have it in, which appear to be solo cup.  That thing is most likely sucking up more water than that little bit of soil can retain for more than a very short time.  Step it up to at least a gallon container...
  19. Sarg3

    seeds Seed storage

    little craft baggies.  I don't really categorize them I just keep all the pepper baggies in a big ziplock, veggies in another and flowers in another.  Then toss them in a plastic tote where I also keep some  scissors, tape, pens, markers and some other seed starting supplies I use. I do keep...
  20. Sarg3

    free Buckeye Pepper Co Free Shipping

    I think I will order some today :)  Thanks Mike