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  1. Little Minnie

    overwintering Almost gave up on my overwintered bhut

    Here is my bhut. I am amazed it looks this good. It was only 'mostly dead'. LOL
  2. Little Minnie

    How do YOU grow?

    No the farm is a few miles from my home. I started at $20 for rent for the season and paid them $200 this season for 1/2 acre with irrigation and use of the barn. Nothing is being done on the remaining land but it was a huge potato farm some years ago.
  3. Little Minnie

    What is the oldest pepper plant you have/had?

    I didn't know that. I have tried mine in the basement before under light but they always die. It is about 55 degrees down there in winter.
  4. Little Minnie

    How do YOU grow?

    Started renting that in 2008 at 50 by 100 feet. Now at more than 150 by 120 feet. That is 18000 square feet market garden. My home garden prior to 2008 was 600 square feet LOL.
  5. Little Minnie

    What is the oldest pepper plant you have/had?

    Wow in Canada too! Do you keep your house warm?
  6. Little Minnie

    overwintering Almost gave up on my overwintered bhut

    That thing was sure a bugger! It is finally getting new leaf tufts. Overwintering here is harder than I thought it would be. Aphids were bad and hardening off was awful. Yes I can post a pic soon. It is just about to go out with the rest of the pots. It was in sick bay for weeks. LOL I suppose...
  7. Little Minnie

    pests Any idea of what bug does this?

    Here is another bug that makes holes.
  8. Little Minnie

    Nitrogen Hogs?

    Nitrogen overload? Luckily N is ephemeral and the problem won't last long. Vining and green crops are best - nothing that gets fruit. Broccoli, cabbage, spinach, corn; melons and squash are ok because they vine like crazy and then fruit later. Definitely leave out peppers, tomatoes, eggplant...
  9. Little Minnie

    Spinosad as pest control

    Either way, plants without flowers when you spray. The main concern is bees.
  10. Little Minnie

    How do YOU grow?

    Superhots I put in containers on a cement area that floods when I irrigate (when the pump is on there is a leak in the old irrigation pipes there). For normal peppers I plant 3 rows wide, staggered in a 3.5 foot bed. planting day
  11. Little Minnie

    what to do with plants

    Someone is coming out to buy them right now for $30. I am pretty happy.
  12. Little Minnie

    what to do with plants

    I have no idea how much it would cost. I had someone offer $2 per plant. I said I would go half what they were priced - $2.50.
  13. Little Minnie

    Spinosad as pest control

    I use it on non-flowering plants only. It will harm bees but some of the science was spraying it hardcore on bees and sure they died. I have used it for 2 previous seasons and have a ton of bees! Again only on non-flowering plants and when bees are less active. I use it on potatoes mostly but...
  14. Little Minnie

    what to do with plants

    Ok one thing is, he hasn't paid for them. People pay when they pick up. Second, the ad hasn't been up in months. Third all the other people have picked up but him because he says it is hard to get way out to the suburbs where I live. I am angry that he hasn't said he doesn't want them if he...
  15. Little Minnie

    what to do with plants

    I sold a bunch of plants off Craig's List but one guy who ordered 10 superhots has still not picked up. Yes he says he will get up to my area soon but doesn't. It is so stupid if he doesn't mean to buy them and doesn't tell me so! But if he doesn't want them, what should I do with them...
  16. Little Minnie

    Drip irrigation for tomatoes

    No, not trash bags but Territorial tomato bags. I have tremendous wind in my garden and these have helped with that and kept them insulated. I planned to plant really early and wrap in clear plastic too (row cover would tear on the cages and I have learned not to plant now and cage later!) but I...
  17. Little Minnie

    Drip irrigation for tomatoes

    If you make raised rows you can still use drip but it will dry out faster raised. I use black plastic over my drip tape. This is what my tape looks like in the beds (wide rows). Here is an area with plastic. If you look closely you can see the drip tape under there since it was on when I...
  18. Little Minnie

    Cover crops of alfalfa

    I love hairy vetch because it is easier to get rid of than clover and alfalfa. It grows untended all around me with the winter rye. They are perennial in the fields right around my 1/2 acre. Yes clover and alfalfa can be tilled under really well and spring right back up.
  19. Little Minnie

    Drip irrigation for tomatoes

    I wouldn't say they waste water but they are unreliable and get clogged half way through the season. This is the second year I am using 0 soaker hoses. I have put in all drip tape. I don't understand what you mean by ridges. Are you planting in raised rows and if so why? I can post some photos...