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  1. T

    No fruit on Jalapeno plant?

    Oh yeah in 11 days its grown much more, it's 2 foot tall now and looks strong as an ox.  I want it to be a bush, but a bush that fruits well =P 
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    No fruit on Jalapeno plant?

    I'd say I water them too much, but it has been mid-high 90's lately, I also think I give them too much nutes, but they are growing like weeds and look great, so I haven't changed much until recently, slightly cut back on watering.  During high heat I deep water every 2 days, and somewhat deep...
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    Putting Nutrition and Taste into our Peppers

    oh my Fk Best response award goes to....  =P
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    Green Vs Red Jalapeno Peppers

    I'm intrigued to try red Jalapeno's myself, never had them red! Sadly I'm having the same issue as you, my single Jalapeno plant only has tons of flowers, HURRY UP AND GROW!  =P
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    No fruit on Jalapeno plant?

    Mine are hand watered, covered with a roof over the porch, other than the fact the roof limits my light, I prefer to be able to water on my schedule and not have to worry about weather :)
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    No fruit on Jalapeno plant?

    Thank you for the responses.  If I was "able" to put a large hole in the bottom (my tools are 40 miles away) without disturbing the roots in those heavy containers, I would.   I think I'll put a few "Bullet holes" in the sides of my two separate 5 gallon pepper plants with the lack of tools I...
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    No fruit on Jalapeno plant?

    So I didn't want to make a new thread and clog the forums up, but I had a question about drainage.  My 5 gallon pots, I just put like 1/4" holes in the bottom, probably about 15, but now am reading that people recommend WAY larger holes (I put a lot of small holes to avoid soil loss) Thinking...
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    No fruit on Jalapeno plant?

    Well my lights don't tend to add too much heat, and yeah I read about them being self pollinating, I give my pepper plants a good shake almost daily, just recently started using a brush to try and hand pollinate them. My Jalapeno is growing like a weed, so I feel that I'm doing somehting right...
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    No fruit on Jalapeno plant?

    I was thinking the middle number was more important for fruiting, whereas the first was responsible for folliage, and last for strength of stems.  I'm new to growing though, I just picked up some cheap fert that I mix in my water
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    No fruit on Jalapeno plant?

    My Ja-lap-a-no plant hasn't had any fruit set yet.  It was extremely hot the last few weeks, mid 90's most days, and I'm container growing.  I just started to hand pollinate about a week ago using a new makeup brush, but still no fruit.  I just now measured the plant, its right aorund 25-26"...
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    Watermelons in container(s)

    So as I do more research, many people online say to thin the melons out.  I currently have around 17-18 melons total growing on the two plants, like 12-ish on my sugar baby alone....  I have tons of vines, most of them have 2 melons each!   I want to make sure my melons grow to maturity, but at...
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    Watermelons in container(s)

    I was going to setup a trellis, but the way the sunlight comes in to my porch, I get just as much light having them up high or down low, there unfortunately is another apartment building across from us, so they get light from around 3 to 7:30/8 ish  Having them go up, they get sunlight later in...
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    Watermelons in container(s)

    Curious if anyone has grown melons in containers (well I know people have, lots of people do) but if anyone here has direct experience. I started an already growing Sugar Baby and Crimson Sweet way late in the season, bought them already growing from walmart, didn't have much hope for them...
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    Bell Pepper Problems,Whats This?A Fungus?

    Curious about sunburn, my bells/jalapenos shouldn't have issues with that being that I only get 4.5 hours of direct light a day and run CFL's around 11 hours a day right?   I have tons of folliage though, so I believe they are shielded even if they got more sun
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    First time grower, outdoor, and trying to overwinter!

    Update, just last night started hand pollinating my pepper plants, my Jalapeno plant has has TONS of flowers, but no fruit, it dropped a few flowers, but it also has been low to high 90's for almost 2 weeks, now its cooled down.  My Bell's only had their original 5 peppers that are still...
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    pests Tiny black pests and ants?!

    So I found a new makeup brush of my girls, would this be fine for hand pollinating my pepper plants?  And the females and males are both in the same flower right, so just swirl it around or something like that in there?   My peppers are growing like weeds, exploding with growth, just not...
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    shopping Best Price/Place to buy Coco Noir/Peat

    I used coco coir for growing fungi in the past, I'd always go to a pet store (chain stores like petco petsmart etc) and could pick up 3 "bricks" for around $10.  They are the size of a brick, but once soaked in hot water they expand to something like 7-10x their size at the least.   edit: From...
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    pests Tiny black pests and ants?!

    I didn't see wings, they looked almost the size of gnats, they were SUPER tiny.  I'll look more thoroughly at my plants today.   I had a single lady bug and a spider living in my Jalapeno container, but it got knocked over a couple weeks ago and they left, guess they don't like earthquakes...
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    pests Tiny black pests and ants?!

    Thanks for the information.  I did have a humming bird feeder hung up, and noticed that some of the sugar water was dropping onto a couple of my melon vines, plus it attracted lots of wasps so I just took that down recently, the sugar probably brought the ants from far away!   I'm hand...
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    pests Tiny black pests and ants?!

    Growing on a 3rd floor balcony, my plants started on a first floor for a few weeks before we moved to a new place....  Just today I noticed 5 tiny ants on my watermelons that are in a storage tote, and then when inspecting my Jalapeno, I noticed the tiniest of tiny little black bugs, I saw 3 of...