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  1. Flakes

    indoor Growing Indoors

    Yeah, they are different plants, but the ferts usually aren't - I mean a "tomato ferilizer" is usually just your basic balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer, isn't it?
  2. Flakes

    indoor Growing Indoors

    If you can't ventilate, you're probably only left with CFLs, because they run cool compared to MH/HPS. But, to be honest, without a bit of airflow, your peppers are likely to suffer. As far as ferts go, I've never found peppers to be that picky, as long as there's not too much nitrogen...
  3. Flakes

    Think they will survive?

    From the pics they don't look that bad, a bit of transplant shock. Unlike the others, I wouldn't recommend using anything but a little bit of water on these - but no fertilizers/suplements. I would also put them in shade or at least out of direct sunlight for a couple of days and spray them with...
  4. Flakes

    yield Which superhots have the best growth, resistance, yield?

    I don't know if I'd include Fatalii in the superhots, but yeah - they're very easy to grow and they look/taste great! :)
  5. Flakes

    Are they supposed to grow this slowly

    I wouldn't transplant at all, not at this size...
  6. Flakes

    lighting 24/7 Lights On Grow

    That's a good question... Maybe if we could get the full article we could see if they considered that, any students with access? :) You get more lumens/watt in the lower watt bulbs, there'd be no switching on/off, no need for an extra timer, stable conditions... On the other hand, you can set...
  7. Flakes

    lighting 24/7 Lights On Grow

    Yeah, I like to keep to a 16/8 cycle. I did experiment with 24/7, but there was no noticable difference in growth. I mean, it doesn't hurt them, but it doesn't significantly benefit them either, so... if I were to increase my electricity consumption (and my electricity bill) by 50% I'd expect...
  8. Flakes

    why is my fatalli pepper plant wilting?

    That's a shame... Have any of the pods ripened yet? You could still try and save the plant by cutting it way back and putting it in a pot with some nice, rich potting mix - but then you'd probably have to lose the pods.
  9. Flakes

    why is my fatalli pepper plant wilting?

    Well, it would be quite a coincidence if this wasn't caused by the wind - possible, but I wouldn't bet on it. Have you considered making a plastic dome over the plant and mysting it with water? If you keep the humidity high, it should provide the plant with some extra water.
  10. Flakes

    Are they supposed to grow this slowly

    @RocketMan: It's possible that the seedlings are damaged - but if there's any sign of life between the cotyledons (the first pair of leaves), I wouldn't give up. I've only had it happen once (sample of a couple hundred plants) that one of the seedlings simply wouldn't grow any true leaves - but...
  11. Flakes

    Hardening off: Rates?

    The only thing I do is, when I first bring them out, I put them in a more shady spot (or where they only get direct sunlight in the morning) and then after a couple of days I put them in full sun. I've never lost a plant this way, but sometimes a couple of leaves will get a bit scalded, but it's...
  12. Flakes

    Srin2 2011 New Chilli pepper plant grow

    Nice harvest! What are those little yellow ones?
  13. Flakes

    Stalled Bhuts?

    I wasn't suggesting you were telling him to give up and I have 0 experience with MG or the other mediums you mentioned... I hope you didn't take it as a dig at you because it wasn't meant as such.
  14. Flakes

    Srin2 2011 New Chilli pepper plant grow

    Once you can see the leaves like that, you don't really need to remove the cap, it'll fall off in a couple of days... There's no reason to risk damaging the seedling imo.
  15. Flakes

    Stalled Bhuts?

    Wouldn't that affect all the peppers? Garp, just don't give up on them. All the chinenses are slower growers - especially at the starting stages, but once they get to a certain size, they'll take off. I had a lot of problems growing them this year - they looked a lot like yours do, kind of...
  16. Flakes

    I know it's kinda late in the season to be starting but...

    Hey, another one! For a small country, there sure are a lot of us ;)
  17. Flakes

    I know it's kinda late in the season to be starting but...

    Hi Matty! With grow lights you can grow any pepper, anytime. Relying only on sunlight will be a bit of a challenge though this late in the game. As others have said, annums are quicker to grow and produce - especially some varieties (like early jalapeno). Plus, from my experince, they're just...
  18. Flakes

    Have you tried this?

    I've tried it on a small scale (20x20x20cm pot) and it works very well... I was a bit worried that it wouldn't scale down - because I only have a little 8mm tube filled with perlite/peat that serves for "wicking" - but it's working great. The soil is moist all the time though, so I don't know if...
  19. Flakes

    seeds germination tips

    What I've found in my limited experience was that when things don'w want to germinate, it is usually the seed. I mean, if you've got fresh, viable seeds and moisten them up a little bit, they're going to germinate whether you like it or not. If you've got bad seeds then you can put them in the...
  20. Flakes

    Coffee grounds

    Meh, from what I understand used coffee grounds are actually pretty close to neutral ph. But, yeah, supposed to be a good source of nitrogen - in compost terminology it's a "green". ;)