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    newspapper mulching

    I am looking into topping my garden around plants with newspaper instead of buying the black mulching plastic. Anyone ever used newspaper to prevent weeds with good results? Im assuming the ink on newspaper is all non toxic.
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    peppers that grow sideways

    does anyone ever experience pepper plants that grow sideways or lopsided , and it doesn't seem to be due to sun light? ive turned this guy weeks ago with no change and have a few other superhots doing the same.
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    water trouble with rain barrels and drip irrigation need advice

    im slowly setting up my rain barrel drip irrigation setup but i have a pressure problem. Im not getting water at the end of my drip line 1/4. The barrels are currently three cinder blocks high and the spigot of the barrel is higher than the drip line entirely. I have one barrel setup for...
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    Identify yard weed

    can anyone help me identify these two yard weeds, they are taking over my yard
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    sudden temp drop, what should i do

    should i cover them with row cover? i dont think anywhere locally sells it
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    sudden temp drop, what should i do

    I just checked my weather outlook for the next 5 days, and it has been updated to show a sudden temp drop for my area :( prior, the expected temps were not supposed to get below 60 degs. Now, i have this Sat: High= 67 low= 38 Sun: High= 35 Low= 39 is this to low to kill off my...
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    lighting grow lights in summer

    Now that it's summer time I wanted to ask if anyone used their grow lights at all after moving their plants outside, or if everyone just unplugs them until winter.
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    Worm castings question

    i agree, not only is it easy and fairly cheap, but you can directly control the quality of the castings.
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    Worm castings question

    120 degrees is pretty hot, but for most hot temperatures at or below 100'ish degrees should be no issue. The trick is, if you are using a plastic bin, during the summer you have to ensure you have good air flow and keep it moist. its best to open the plastic bin up so it doesn't turn into a...
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    Worm castings question

    I respectively disagree. Ontario ministry of agriculture states that "Earthworms ingest about 75% of their body weight/day; a 0.2 g worm eats about 0.15 g/day." "Conclusion: A properly designed vermicasting system will process organic waste into vermicast in 22–30 days."...
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    Worm castings question "I myself have seen what really high densities of worms are capable of, so I have little doubt that you could produce a decent...
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    Worm castings question

    this ratio is so common you can find it on about every website regarding worm composting / casting. For example; " It is widely believed that a composting worm can process the equivalent of it’s own weight in waste each...
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    Worm castings question

    why would you buy worm castings? worms cast their own weight in poop each day, so if you start with a pound of worms, you should get around a pound of castings per day. worm castings are also not "hot" like other fertilizers. No matter how much...
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    What Mistakes Have You Made This Season?

    same, mixing your own soil is way over hyped. My self mixed, carefully crafted, was horrible to grow in, however store bought Fox Farms happy frog ... the best stuff ever. I now grow exclusively with Fox Farms growing mediums.
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    do you top your annuums?

    can you define what topping is, why you should do it, or link to a tutorial?
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    5-gallon pots are not 5-gallons.... word!?

    where does everyone get their nursery pots from, what website / local ?
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    pruning Bhut Jolokia Pruning Experiment

    Great thread, with this same theme, I am about to do a thread for AACT compost tea, a small experiment showing the effects. If anyone wants to get in to share pics on the thread please PM me.
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    What Mistakes Have You Made This Season?

    have you tried fox farms happy frog? I like it better than pro mix
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    pruning Bhut Jolokia Pruning Experiment

    do you pinch to force / automate branching?
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    how can i tell if they are gnats or fungus gnats? or fruit flys, im going to try and get a picture of them