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    indoor Beginner First Indoor Grow Project - Questions

    Light, air movement, and humidity are all crucial when growing indoors. If your tent is sufficiently ventilated, the humidity inside will be close to the humidity in your apartment, which tends to be on the low side for plants. I would suggest buying a cheap hygrometer to measure the humidity...
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    Artificial Light intensity

    I'd also recommend 16 hours a day, minimum, to keep your lights on. Up to 18 would probably be fine as well.
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    Artificial Light intensity

    I personally don't use organic fertilizers when I am growing in containers with a soilless potting mix. I am aware that some people prefer them, but container growing often does not support the soil food web necessary to process organic fertilizers into forms plants can use. Switching to a...
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    Artificial Light intensity

    Do you know the type of fluorescent light you are using? Are they T5's? High output (HO) T5's? T8's? Those all have different light intensities, which will determine how high they should be above the plants. Regardless which type you have, though, 8 to 12 inches is way too high. Light...
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    Artificial Light intensity

    I'd second MtCtChilehead's guess about it being a watering issue. Is there a fan directed at the plants that I'm not seeing? I ask because those pictures suggest your setup does not encourage a whole lot of transpiration in your plants. Very low light intensity, judging by how far those...
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    2018 - The Farm

    What are you going to do with all of the seedling-area lights after you get your greenhouses built? Sell them off?
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    soil Changing soil in container grown plants

    If you are changing to a potting mix that is much different than the one you have, you will want to get rid of as much of the old stuff as possible and repot a (mostly) bare root plant into the new stuff. Different soils with different structures in the same pot can create problems with...
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    2018 - The Farm

    So cool!! Your grow room looks like it will require artificial lighting. What are you planning to use?
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    Artificial Light intensity

    What measures did you take to solve your first problem? Or has it somehow resolved itself? Any reason for not posting pictures, which would help us figure out what the issue may have been, like another poster requested? If you are still running that fluorescent light 14 inches above your...
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    health What Are These Leaf Spots?

    I'm hoping not BLS. The pictures I have found do look similar (but not exactly), but descriptions of BLS also mention the spots starting out as "raised" or "wet looking" spots on the undersides of the leaves. I haven't seen either. A picture of the whole plant: It is growing like a weed...
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    How Important Is A Fan For Growing Peppers?

    I believe that it is important to have your fan(s) on when your light(s) are on. My understanding is that with no air movement, the relative humidity immediately surrounding your leaves will approach 100% as a result of transpiration. At that point transpiration slows significantly, which will...
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    health What Are These Leaf Spots?

    "Facing Heaven" pepper plant (or it's supposed to be). Black spots appearing on the oldest leaves, none on the new growth. Spots are entirely interveinal, appear to be recessed, and are followed by an interveinal yellowing of the affected leaves. Plants are growing indoors under strong...
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    "Facing Heaven" Pepper Plant Size?

    Thank you both! I was worried I was going to end up with a 4'+ monster.. 18" is plenty small for my area.
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    "Facing Heaven" Pepper Plant Size?

    I am growing a "facing Heaven" pepper plant (Heaven chile, capsicum annuum var. conoides) indoors this winter for my roommate, who plans to use the peppers in his cooking. I haven't been able to find any information online about the size of this pepper plant, though. My indoor grow area is not...
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    contest Growdown Throwdown 2018 Yellow Brain Strain!

    I'm making the request for 2019, not for the upcoming 2018 contest. That may not have been clear. Please keep it in mind. Not all of us have the space to run a bunch of extra plants. And while I do not doubt your isolation practices, if you felt something was enough "off" for this batch of...
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    contest Growdown Throwdown 2018 Yellow Brain Strain!

    Next year could you please use a source of seeds that is not open pollinated? In the interest of actually providing the "level field for genetics" that is such a big thing for you? I am very interested in participating, but don't have the space for a bunch of plants at once to weed out potential...
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    Illsstep 2017 Indoor Winter Grow

    First two harvests! The larger ones are the Biker Billy jalapeños, and the smaller ones are the Apache jalapeños. The Apache jalapeños are the hotter of the two, but the flavor isn't great. Much more acidic - not sweet at all. I don't really like them. My roommate made sauce from the Biker...
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    Dot Com 2017

    What sort of soil mix are you growing in?
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    N Deficiency??

    Thank you for all the responses! I will try upping the fertilizer, and if that doesn't help, I will just accept it as normal leaf drop.
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    N Deficiency??

    There is a lot of reflected light, though. 4 plants in a 3'x3' with Orca film on the walls. They aren't getting quite as much direct light as the upper canopy, but they are really not shaded.