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  1. Spicy Mushroom

    seeds Did I kill all my seeds?

    Yeah with the longer growing season plants you were planning on I would order some established plants at this point. Or start them from seed and then construct a simple pvc hoophouse when it starts to get chilly to extend your growing time. 
  2. Spicy Mushroom

    pests White little bugs attacking a pepper plant

    I would spray them with something organic right away and buy some Green Lacewings from a local nursery. Lady bugs work too but you'll have to trap them or spray them with watered-down soda in order for them to stick around.
  3. Spicy Mushroom

    Chili leaves dropping

    Sun, wind, all the above. The hardening off process is to acclimate to every aspect of the outdoor environment, not just sunlight. The younger / smaller the plant is the more vulnerable they are to the intensity of the weather. I think they just took a beating.    If I were you I would still be...
  4. Spicy Mushroom

    seeds Using light during germination?

    You definitely don't have to keep them in darkness. My germination setup is on a table that gets filtered sunlight from a nearby window. I think the more accurate thing would be to say light is not necessary until they sprout. Your setup is fine regardless of those stages. Keep the light on for...
  5. Spicy Mushroom

    chinense Scotch Bonnets: MOA vs TFM

    I'm different than many here. Chinense (the Chinense taste and all) is my favorite family. For now at least, I'm more than fine with 'floral' and 'perfumey'. I also don't care much for Baccatums. Just goes to show how subjective it all is!
  6. Spicy Mushroom

    Chili leaves dropping

    If the leaves are damaged badly then they get dropped not too long after. My guess is the new issue is probably related to hardening off. Did the leaves on the Reapers seem sunburned? The only thing I think you should do is continue baby'ing the hardening off process.
  7. Spicy Mushroom

    A pepper tree

    My Brasileiro Tres Lobos grew rather tree-like. I've seen Birgit's Locoto in big pots get monstrous. Then there is the Habanero Del Arbol aka 'Habanero Tree'.
  8. Spicy Mushroom

    seeds Starting seeds..

    I've tried just about every way, indoors and outdoors. Now I stick to a basic cell-tray, heating mat, seed starting mix (any brand), and do it indoors then transfer to solo cups.
  9. Spicy Mushroom

    Problem with my Rocotos

    As long as they fruit before our summer hits hard, you'll at least get to try some. After that I doubt the Pubes will continue fruiting in our heat. Later on I think i'm going to get some 60% shade cloth for a dedicated Pubes bed.
  10. Spicy Mushroom

    chinense Scotch Bonnets: MOA vs TFM

    That seems to be the case, yeah. Mustard and chocolate habs still get love. Caribbean Reds and Red Savina as well. I haven't had any SBs yet. As long as I like them as much as Bahamian Goat or CGN21500 I will be really happy.   Some others not mentioned in this thread?
  11. Spicy Mushroom

    Peppers aren't very hot?

    I had my peppers last season on a daily scheduled drip, so they didn't get wilty before watering. However, I have let my peppers get wilty before watering plenty of times the years prior and still had decent production..   Backyardpepper, the variety of jalapeno you bought seeds for are likely...
  12. Spicy Mushroom

    days to maturity

    I've had some of mine take longer than 365 days by keeping them stunted indoors in solo cups for a long time :D Are you worried about a short growing season? I can suggest some Chinense and Baccatums that were early producers for me if you want.
  13. Spicy Mushroom

    shade Shade cloth for Pubescens

      I couldn't find Aluminet, or any growing shade cloth for that matter, at Home Depot, Lowes, or nurseries. Home Depot/Lowes had shade cloth at 80% but it's not meant for growing. I ended up ordering the Aluminet online. They had a few different sizes and percentages. I'll look through my email...
  14. Spicy Mushroom

    chinense Scotch Bonnets: MOA vs TFM

    I'm currently growing MOA, TFM, Papa Joe's, and Foodarama. I'll have to bump this thread after I shove a few in my face-hole.
  15. Spicy Mushroom

    What tomatoes are you growing in 2016?

    I'm growing typical home depot varieties, heirlooms, and various cherry. Black Krim, Cherokee Purple, Indigo Rose, and Isis Candy are some new varieties for me this season. Hopefully they do well. I don't have much luck with tomatoes. I think I need to shade cloth them and plant companion...
  16. Spicy Mushroom

    Do you like Pepper in your beer?

    I've never tried the Carolina Reaper, but I cherish both peaches and IPA. Particularly double/imperial IPA.
  17. Spicy Mushroom

    Do you like Pepper in your beer?

    I've only had one habanero beer and didn't care for it. The jury is still out!   I absolutely love very spicy Bloody Mary/Maria though.
  18. Spicy Mushroom

    Assaholic Birds!

    This thread has more heat in it than my pepper garden.
  19. Spicy Mushroom

    CUT LIST 2016

    LordHill, my Habanero Gambia and Habanero Cappuccino from germinated very well. I planted lots of Scotch Bonnets this year and my MOA and Foodarama struggled the most in terms of germination. My Papa Joes and TFM did the best.
  20. Spicy Mushroom

    shade Shade cloth for Pubescens

    I used 40% Aluminet shade cloth last year for most of my peppers, including my one pubescens (Giant Mexican Rocoto).   All of my peppers did much better under the Aluminet. Not only does it shade but it lowers temps a bit more than regular shade cloth.   My Giant Mexican Rocoto only produced one...