Search results

  1. Spicy Mushroom

    Assaholic Birds!

    Yeah I'm not into the whole killing thing either.   If I were you I would just distract them with a nearby bird feeder.   My seedlings are completely inclosed by my Aluminet shade cloth, so I don't have to worry about birds.
  2. Spicy Mushroom

    CUT LIST 2016

      If you have space for 2017 you might consider Madame Jeanette. I dropped my Bonda Ma Jacques, Super Datils, and Fataliis for more MJ plants.
  3. Spicy Mushroom

    new m&m's

      I think it's because mainstream consumer products like this (think Doritos, et cetera) never has the pepper flavor come through. Heat level is all we can typically evaluate. On higher quality chili flavored products the discussion should be expanded to include all the nuances of their flavor...
  4. Spicy Mushroom

    CUT LIST 2016

    I found I wasn't as keen on Baccatums as most here seem to be. So all baccatums have been cut. I am keeping all my overwintered baccatums though.   Chinense from last year I cut are Super Datils, BMJs, Yellow Fataliis, Chocolate Habs, Green Habs, and White Bullet Habs. I liked some of these but...
  5. Spicy Mushroom

    Leaves and stems curling down

      What exactly is the light setup? How close are the lights to the plants? What exactly was the light situation prior??
  6. Spicy Mushroom

    Just how fast (or slow) do chillies grow?

    My datils (some of my worst germination rates) have been lanky and slow growing compared to my other Chinense. My various habs have outperformed my datils. so we had a different experience. The fact your datils are growing as well as your Annuum I would chalk up to individual plant genetics. As...
  7. Spicy Mushroom

    Chili leaves browning on the top side

      Cloudy weather isn't going to prevent sunburn on those young plants if they were not sufficiently hardened off. Solar radiation is still getting through those clouds.   As for treating nitrogen burn, I have no clue. My suggestion would be to cease or further dilute your fertilization schedule...
  8. Spicy Mushroom

    Problem with new leaf growth

    I'm inclined to think the symptoms were due to both over-fertilizing and overwatering/too much water retention. Since you ceased ferts for now and repotted with better drainage, you've at least eliminated those culprits. Just maintain exactly this setup for a few weeks, methinks. Let us know...
  9. Spicy Mushroom

    Crunchiest thick walled pepper?

        I was thinking of voting for that one, because it does meet the description and it's delicious. I only got one fruit from my Giant Mexican Rocoto last season :( Hopefully this year will be better now that I overwintered it. Overwintered quite well too, which makes me think this plant prefers...
  10. Spicy Mushroom

    Problem with new leaf growth

    I would cease fertilizing for a bit and see how things develop. 
  11. Spicy Mushroom

    pruning Ready to Be Topped or Prunned?

    For what it's worth I have seen multiple people top them at that size/age on Youtube. I don't top my pepper plants (maybe I will one day).
  12. Spicy Mushroom

    Whats the verdict with coffee grounds ?

    I feed my red wigglers my coffee grinds, and they feed my plants. I'm fairly sure the worm castings are more readily absorbed by the plants compared to the grinds.
  13. Spicy Mushroom

    seeds Seedling cross I hope

    Caribbean Red chinense, right? That sounds like a delicious cross to me. Hope that's what it is. 
  14. Spicy Mushroom

    Crunchiest thick walled pepper?

    Tepin X Lemon Drop is what I'm going to be pickling with. Relatively thick-walled, crunchy, juicy. Delicious flavor and has the perk of looking kinda like traditional pickling 'cherry peppers'.
  15. Spicy Mushroom

    Advise sought on using worm castings!

    I use worm castings from my red wiggler bin all the time. Outside of manure and bone meal I prep my beds with initially, worm castings is what I fertilize with exclusively throughout the grow season. I will also drop red wigglers directly into my beds. Since switching to worm castings my peppers...
  16. Spicy Mushroom

    What to do with these peppers

    I plan on pickling my Brazilian Starfish whole. They're small enough to work and they look cool.   This will be my first year attempting my own hot sauces, and making sea salt blends.
  17. Spicy Mushroom

    One of my favourites - CGN 23255

    I too eagerly await a review  :onfire:
  18. Spicy Mushroom

    first manzano's peppers

    I would buy a few pounds of that in a heart beat! I've only had one pubescens from a Giant Mexican Rocoto and it was great. Had an apricot undertone to it. Hope I have better growing luck this year with my pubescens.
  19. Spicy Mushroom

    shopping Newbie - Where to buy live reaper plants?

    ChilePlants site had some available last I checked. I would call all the nurseries in your area too. More and more seem to be carrying them where I live.
  20. Spicy Mushroom

    New to Peppers, need some advice!

    It's fine if you leave it in. I'm sure lots of people do. I literally never have, and I don't lose my plants by taking them out and transferring them. I can't recall one time I lost one as a result. I think your issue is that it's drying out and needs watering. The surrounding soil is probably...