I'm learning about fish emulsion in another thread as we speak. I may try making a tea next year as the wife and I plan on starting a compost bin. I may have to rethink using the osmocote.
I've seen posts with people talking about fish emulsion but I know nothing about it. So without searching can someone give me a quick lesson about it? Can it be bought in stores? If so where, because I haven't noticed it around here. What is so good about it. Thanks, I'm loving this board...
I appreciate your information. I read good and bad things about osmocote before deciding on it. I liked the fact that I supposedly could fertilize once and be done for the year. I don't have a ton of free time so I thought that may help me out. I don't know if that's for the best or not.
I've been reading on fertilizing and foliar sprays. I've decided to go with Osmocote 14-14-14. The only thing I haven't found reading is how much to use. The container says 3 and a 1/3 Tablespoon per 4 sq ft. My plants are all in 2 and 5 gallon containers. This is my first year and I don't...
I have yet to order from Neil because it's getting to late to start from seeds here. But he has answered every email and question in a quick and friendly manner. I will for sure order from him when I do.
Geez guys I'm sorry. I've been reading posts for days and somehow totally missed this thread. I just asked a very similar question to this. My apologies.
Is this the Pro-mix that everyone is talking about?