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  1. X

    Anyone try the Galaxyhydro 300W LED?

    I think the biggest trick with these budget grow lights is finding out how efficient they really are. My struggle with them is taking the known wattage, and figuring out the par then figuring out the PPFD. As big as my Hab and reaper plants are, I dont see how the Led can support the size of the...
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    You know you're a Chilli nut when...............

    When my 3 year old daughter can give lectures on peppers to strangers at the grocery store. :)
  3. X

    Anyone try the Galaxyhydro 300W LED?

    I just recently purchased a Mars Hydro 600w Led, I believe they are kinda similar. This one puts out 270w true but I'm going to experiment with it to see how it does. Wonder if they are strong enough to get pods with.  
  4. X

    Whats the verdict with coffee grounds ?

    I throw mine on the top of the soil around the base. Not sure how well it works.
  5. X

    soil Soil Prep for New Season

    Hey all,   First time poster here. Long time lurker. Last season I setup some raised beds under a green house. Toward the end of December, I noticed some bacterial spots forming on the leaves. I battled them on and off till I couldn't go anymore. To prep the beds for this season, I'm going to...