Search results

  1. liavah

    wanted Looking for Lemon Drop and Aji pepper seeds

    I will glad to get some laserguy. any chance?
  2. liavah

    food Mmmmmm...poppers!

    Holly Peppers.. Thats looks fantastic! can smell it from the pic...
  3. liavah

    seed-train European Seed train.

    I agree, sowing season is over, I prefer to get european or worldwide train somewhere between july to september.. seeds from fresh pods, which will grow immidiatly. thanks buddy for the idea!
  4. liavah

    wanted Looking for Bonda Ma Jacque seeds its looks and sound good! will try this next season for sure. as my fav chili is Aji lemon comes after the Fatali, maby this one of the tasty ones I like love!
  5. liavah

    seed-train All aboard ( The next seed train)

    Hey there, To avoid any problem in international shipping I just want to make sure how the seed train is sent? on box or inside and envelope? Its very importent beacuse if its send in a box its may stop on the customs. It will pass only if it is an envelope. thanks alot!
  6. liavah

    seed-train All aboard ( The next seed train)

    add me please :)
  7. liavah

    Hornet BOMB

    Awesome over-view! thanks for sharing!
  8. liavah

    D|KiNG's Humble growlog...2012---little girls sprinkle some powder on their food

    Rule num #1: DO NOT TOUCH MY PLANTS! Rule num #2: DO NOT TOUCH MY PLANTS! Rule num #3: DO NOT TOUCH MY PLANTS! lol.. they just dont get it ah? :rolleyes:
  9. liavah

    seeds Towel Germinate

    Hey mates, I have some question for some of you who germinate them seeds in a towel. After the seeds inside the towel start to germinate: 1. When do I put them in the soil? 2. How do I put them in the soil? (Put the seed + the seedling covered? or the seed inside the soil and the seedling...
  10. liavah

    First glog, first time growing

    Good luck mate! how did you germinate the seeds?
  11. liavah

    seeds Germinating seeds from fresh pepper

    Hey there, First - its still not to late on the season to germinate peppers, buy you most do that fast using some accessories as lights. Second - If you willing to germinate on towel pepper its goes very simple! get the towel and fold it to halfs until it will fit the bags. than add some warm...
  12. liavah

    chinense This is not a Habanero, is it?

    They looks SUPERB!
  13. liavah

    A Few Pepper Plants Available in Seattle

    I agree about the price! very cheap for seedling. Good Luck!
  14. liavah

    Hello from the Dominican Republic

    Belive me you are in the right place! Hey and Welcome from ISRAEL!
  15. liavah

    food Hot Freakin Icecream

    Give us some pics, which chilis you boiled?
  16. liavah

    for-sale Black Pearl seeds 2011/12 - NOW ON SALE!!

    I'm sure some one will get them, Black Pearl is one of the most beutiful plants on earth!
  17. liavah

    Hot Stuff 2012 Grow Blog

    Awesom stuff!! You about to have HOOOT season! Keep it up dude.
  18. liavah

    Hello From Israel

    Hey guys, I love this site, Its gives all the information needed to master chili peppers, This is my first season that I'm growing peppers my self, just sow 12 diffrent chilis, hope to have a good season, I'll like to trade, buy, sell and learn with you guys, Thanks alot! Liav, Israel.