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  1. acs1

    Pot size ???

    So,  what is a chile,  monocot or dicot..?   Well, seems you're saying no container is big enough to let the root system expand/form like its programed too... And from what I've seen, even upgrading from #5fabric(about 4.5gal) to real capacity7.5gallon fabric pots this year, they still aren't...
  2. acs1

    Brown color on end of leaves

    Well as long as you asked, S7 explains it perfectly, Below is a quote from S7... "In a small container - I personally use a 1 cup Pyrex mixing cup - add about 1/4-1/2 cup water.  To this, add 2 Tbsp Neem, and 1 Tbsp soap.  Mix it together until the soap has completely emulsified the oil.  (stir...
  3. acs1

    Brown color on end of leaves

    Well, disregard my first post as I didn't realize you sprayed with ferrous sulfate solution that could cause what we're seeing, maybe..? I'd go with whatever S7 says...   Well, don't speak that language, sorry. But a google translate search came up with this stuff, that I assume you sprayed for...
  4. acs1

    Help identify the disease

    First pic looks like the start of a broad might infestation, scope it to verify as at least 40x is needed to really identify and confirm BM.... See my last thread.
  5. acs1

    Brown color on end of leaves

    You've got pests, your answer is to spray/drench with neem oil or your choice of pesticide and do it soon.
  6. acs1

    Broad mites

    S7, IMO, can't be to cautious when it comes to broad mites.   My suggestion above,  did say for people with past broad mites or in areas that broad mites are known to be. Its not for everyone, just those of us vulnerable to broad mites.    Don't think it matters if you have California, Texas, or...
  7. acs1

    health whats wrong with this plant

      I already said the meter has been verified by a digital electronic PH meter, you can believe it or not. You guys can make fun of my cheap meter, doesn't much matter to me. Its more or less right on the money. I've got 3 ph meters.     Not sure what meter you have Joe, but above (my) meter's...
  8. acs1

    Broad mites

    Ya, I always prune off the damage, you have to. You explained that to me quite a while ago, took your advice ever since. Doesn't hurt a bit, happy to hack off those bastards off and burn them just as you advised quite a while ago.... Those aren't my pics, although in the past they could double...
  9. acs1

    health whats wrong with this plant

    What type of serious trouble, Chiles to hot..? :D   Oh, and I never put a whole gallon in any plant, 1/4-1/2 gal till run off at the most, for a big plant.   Meter has been verified with my 2nd delicate electronic digital ph meter. For my purpose, the cheap easy to use less delicate one in my...
  10. acs1

    health whats wrong with this plant

    Guess my lemons aren't that potent... lol   Just treated my ph in some plants today. Here is the ph of my 1 lemon to 1 gal water. Right under 5ph         Here is the run off water from a just treated BT Scorpion with fruit, but starting to get a little yellow, about 6.5 ph. Media was already...
  11. acs1

    Broad mites

    Well, unfortunately seem to be getting expert experience with these critters.   Was going to put this post in the pest thread but its to important for that.   After battling sFl broad mites(and many other pests) off and on for years now have come to a positive conclusion.   Once you see broad...
  12. acs1

    health whats wrong with this plant

    Yellow Chile, no good...   If it were me, i'd take 1 lemon and squeeze it into 1 gallon of water and drench that plant then don't water it till its feather light,,, FEATHERWEIGHT.   Works for me when my plants get the yellow Chile look. Then follow up with some nitrogen heavy fert next watering...
  13. acs1

    breeding Best Large Jalapeno

    JIMHO, and I've tried many of the above mentioned Jalapeno, these are the best.  These seeds almost are 100% germination even though they are 2+ years old.   Not the biggest, or the fattest, but good size, and the hottest and the best tasting. Especially when ripened to full red with a nice...
  14. acs1

    pests Feeding hornworms, as strange as it may sound...

    Well, learned something new...   Can't put multiple big hornworms in the same container... They practice cannibalism..!!!   Put 3, 2-3" newly parasitized hornworms all in 1 large screened off container with a load of leafs and a few fallen rotten reapers/savina. They ate it all, peppers too, ...
  15. acs1

    pests Feeding hornworms, as strange as it may sound...

    This year has been insane for all types of pests here in S Florida, non stop attack on my plants.   Well, not sure it will work but have lots of time for this little experiment...   After seeing my wasp infested massive Tomato hornworm get eaten by a Red Cardinal, wasp cocoons and all,, decide...
  16. acs1

    Does pod shape dictate offspring shape?

    What does it mean when a few seeds in great looking pods are black color, differing from the majority in the pod being tan/off white colored seed..?
  17. acs1

    When to start growing in Florida?

    So, saw some pics on the news, some have been busy with a hot pepper grow in Seattle chop/chad zone, hope you went there teaching them anarchist how to grow...? Hows the soil on Capital Hill there... lmao   jk
  18. acs1

    When to start growing in Florida?

    My gloggless opinion, start a grow anytime you want, at least in sF it works for me. All thruout the year I start seeds, they don't seem to mind at all. And that means pods all year round. S7 never steered me wrong and gave me the formula for a great container media.     Sure, just as said, some...
  19. acs1

    tutorial The Pest Guide

    Yup,  been watching them, they're eating aphids for sure, and spitting out the empty shell. They're all of a sudden all over my plants, everywhere. Love it.
  20. acs1

    tutorial The Pest Guide

    Anyone know what these large black spotted 6 leg bugs are. Seems they might be eating aphids..? or are they sucking on my Scotch Bonnet.  