That is great info for starters. Thanks!
Funny, I read there is debate between ppm and EC. Im going to go for ballpark and let the chips fall where they may.
Thanks for the reply
Maybe your package came with instructions mine didn't.
The directions say put 1 ounce in three gallons then a quart in each of 12 plants.
Is that per day? Per week? Hydroponic? In ground? Potted?
Just hoping to get a feel for what is working for others.
I am running a drip to waste system in 3.5, 4, & 5 gallon buckets with a 5-1-1 mix. I am using Masterblend and CalMag. What TDS level should I be shooting for at the emitter? My tap water is 180ppm.
I just recently got my tds meter and plan to test the water at the emitter and the runoff to...
This look like a Brazilian Ghost Pepper to you? Whatever it is it is coming in nasty.
If you look reeeeeeeeal close, you can see my first chocolate habanero coming in.
Mangoes anyone?
Since PaulG posted his late season plants, I can fearlessly post mine.
I put these guys outside as soon as they popped. I figured they can just be born hardened off. I also put four Aji Fantasy Seeds in a cup straight outside as an kind of n experiment.
Not related. Meyer Lemon budding
I am waiting for a shipment of masterblend. I tried running MG and my plants look unhappy. I heard terrible things about using it with a hydroponic type system but thought it was all nothing. I really think I can see the difference. I was running the DynaGow Foliage Pro I think and things...
Did a mini harvest last night for Taco Tuesday
First Scotch Bonnet MOA almost ripe
Pink Habanero - Are they ripe when all the greenish tint is gone? Any other way to know?
I have absolutely no idea if anyone is following this glog but I will indeed keep posting pix
Aji Omni Color hasn't changed colors yet
Aji Habanero - I love these!
Red Paper Lanterns starting to do their thing
These Scotch Bonnets from Juanitos are going crazy!