So I have been trying to figure how to use my drip system with 1 gallon pots without having to hook up a drip line for each one. Here is what I have come up with. I put 6 grow bags in a tray and rig up some drip line in a circle.
Close up
They are .08gph drip lines so that is about...
I am really looking for a specific product recommendation from Lowes, Home Depot or Amazon. Can you link me to anything?
And can I do that submerge thing with it diluted? All my plants are still in pots 2 gallons and under
As I have been experimenting with potting mix I think the one that I used with a few plants are too dense and sadly don't really dry out.
Could this leaf curl be anything other than over watering? I replanted one of them yesterday and saw no bugs in the pot.
Not sure if anyone is even following along here but . . .
I bought 1 gallon Viagrow grow bags on Amazon for various reasons. I really like them.
I didn't take pics of potting them up and whatnot. But here are two tomatillos and a serrano I left neglected in a solo cup. It refused to die...
I got the 1 gallon bags from Viagrow and I really like them.
Here is where i thave pics
Not sure what you are getting your masters in but in case it is not business . . .
The key to a good business partnership is a written exit strategy. This should be clearly written in your incorporation paperwork. When one partner decided to focus elsewhere, what happens? Instead of friends...
I use the solo cups because I don't know which plants I am keeping. I start lots of seeds with the plan to use the strongest. Why pot up 5 plants in 1 gallon pots if I am only keeping one?
So I finally had a day off so I decided it was time to replant a few of the plants. Some needed it more than others. I am still experimenting with my soil mix and I think I might have made it not dense enough. We will see. I may have to watch the watering a little more closely before repotting...