I didn't even buy these seeds. I got tomatillos from the Publix to make salsa verde and saved some seeds. I have no idea if these will produce but I am not likely to devote too many resources to something I can buy at Publix for $1. The plants seem to grow fairly slow so far. I am only...
Also, I only brought in the little ones. I did it Sunday during that storm and then again a night or two during the Cold Snap but I put him out in the morning for the sun.
My current grow list (this has gotten a little out of hand):
Aji Dulce 1
Aji Habanero
Aji Jobito
Aji Lemon Drop
Aji Omni color
Brazilian Ghost Pepper
Cherry Bomb
Cherry Peppers
Chocolate Habanero
Cumari do Para
Datil Sweet
Mini orange bell pepper
Pink Habanero
Red Paper Lantern
So you're the one who bought them all.
I can get them at HD. I just have to order them online and pick them up at the store. Not as convenient but still decent. I think I will start with 2 gallon bags and see if I like them since I need a slew of them.
Amazon says,
5 gal. Nursery Grow Bags (25-Pack) by Viagrow
Usually ships in 1 to 2 months
FREE Shipping for Prime members once available
I was so close to hitting Buy Now
In my continued search it seems that they might be Piccante Calabrese Peppers but who knows. I see their heat level listed from 1,500 (which mine were not) to 150,000 (which seems right.
I bought this from a market. It was labeled "Hot Pepper." I thought it was a capsicum annuum cherry pepper which Trade Winds Fruit says has a "Mildly hot flavor." I split it open and it had a thick flesh and lots of seeds. I took a small bite and was really surprised that is was hotter than a...
To ensure I have some viable plants I started lots of seeds. As I got better at germination I got more seedlings. I now have multiple seedlings and now am beginning to get multiple adolescent plats that I only plan to grow one of.
At what stage do you eliminate the unneeded multiple plants?
Thanks. Great read.
The leggy ones just got into the light recently. I left them in the closet a little long. I will deep plant them in a day or two.
Love following your posts. Looking forward to your 2017 grow.
thanks for checking in. Here they are:
This one is a little leggy but I will let them grow a few more days to see who is the alpha.
I asked you about lolipopping instead of topping your plants in another thread. Don't remember which one.. I can't find anything else on it other...