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  1. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    I think it's safe to say that my mystery pepper was indeed a bonnet. They are more bonnet shaped than my MOA red pods are. And these peach 7pods (pl) are beautiful and quite painful with really good flavor.
  2. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    The mystery pepper plants pods are starting to get big enough to start identifying it. Everything I know makes me want to say bonnet... But then there's this guy... Sorry I missed the focus on that one. I still want to say bonnet, because I did put quite a few of those in, but that...
  3. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    I still think I'd fare well in a blueberry throwdown! We grow em big up here.
  4. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    So I'm finally starting to see pods on many of my plants. The mystery plant is still very much that but I've ruled out bhut and 7pod. I actually was thinking it was a 7 pod originally because it was growing at the same rate and the plant looked very similar. Peach 7pod Mystery pepper:
  5. Nightcrawler

    Horn worm radar and how to rid

    My grandfather used to pay a quarter per horn worm I brought him in a jar. Find some kids employ child labor.
  6. Nightcrawler

    chinense OBEAH F1 - Reaper x MoA Scotch Bonnet

    This looks like a great cross! Well done!
  7. Nightcrawler

    The BUM is back for 2016

    The strawberries this year have been great! I'm glad I'm not the only Mainer that prefers new shell to hard. My dad is always raving about how you get more for your money with hardshell, but I'm not a tourist and I'm not buying lobster at wells beach for a 1000% mark up, I'll just buy bigger...
  8. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    Rock on thank you! I haven't seen any since the few I squashed, and I haven't seen any further damage so I'm hoping I got them all. But I'll definitely be adding azamax to my list,
  9. Nightcrawler

    Spicegeist 2016 (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Great grow. What's the flavor like on the CGN 17020? Been trying to pick a cool frute for next year
  10. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    These guys showed up just in time to help fight off the jerks that have been eating a few of my plants. Always happy to see the cavalry.
  11. Nightcrawler

    Why do you grow peppers?

    I grew up helping my grandfather in his huge garden (3 acres of plowed land) I always had a project plant that he'd assign to me as a kid, it was my responsibility to grow it from seed at home and bring him the harvest. He gave me jalapeno seed one time, and I loved growing that plant, I thought...
  12. Nightcrawler


    Those are gnarly looking!
  13. Nightcrawler

    Small, Sweet, not so Hots - Advice

    It doesn't have a unique shape, but check out pepper lovers aji calabaza (pl). It's still in its infancy as a strain but it's total candy from what I've been told (I can let you know for sure when my pods ripen) and they're nice and bright.
  14. Nightcrawler

    Watch a guy vape a Carolina Reaper

    Wtf. Does it really take that long to prepare to vape, felt like I was watching paint dry until he finally took a hit.
  15. Nightcrawler

    I Dun It!

    Patience will pay off, wait for them to ripen! Then I dare ya to eat a few at a time!
  16. Nightcrawler

    The BUM is back for 2016

    Holy crap, how can I convince you to share some of those pepper plants with me this fall for wintering?
  17. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    My candlelight (offseason bonchi project hopefully) Is starting to do really well. Some non pepper lovin. Pink tie dye 'maters from baker creek heirloom.
  18. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    This one isn't nearly as healthy as the ones I killed yesterday, and it looks like he lost a fight, and he's yellow not green. It seems to be 2 plants they're enjoying, my potted aji callabaza and the potted peach 7pod right next to each other. I've never seen these creatures up here, does...
  19. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    Any insight as to who is strip mining my 7pod leaves? I assume it's this guy, found 2 on one plant, killed em but would still like to identify whether he's friend or foe.