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    overwintering Overwintering

    Awesome I think I will start some! Can they be pruned and set next to a window for winter by then? Or will i need to invest in a grow light? I would prefer pruning. :dance:
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    overwintering Overwintering

    I live in Ohio, And my question is, is it worth starting new peppers from seed to over winter at this point? Or will they be to small? I'm thinking about starting trinidad scorps. Also! Do these look like bhut jolokia plants? They are just starting to flower and I got them off ebay at the...
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    Mystery Pepper Plant

    Here is updated pics on the mystery pepper, does this help at all? Sadly the peppers haven't started turning color yet, but I'm really hoping for some more thoughts/opinion on the plants :beer:
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    breeding has anyone ever crossed these

    How about, coming up with a 7 bell pepper, or trinidad bell lol :lol:
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    breeding has anyone ever crossed these

    Would it be possible to cross a Bell Pepper and a super hot variety, and get a giant hot pepper with mid range heat or hotter?
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    vendor Hirts Gardens

    It's really a shame there is so many people out there selling seeds as something there not just to make a penny :(
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    Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

    Does anyone have any fresh ones they could part with? I'd purchase 4-5 pods of someone! PM me please if you do, i'm dieing to try some of these.
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    vendor Hirts Gardens

    Are they not a good vendor? Does anyone have bad experiences with them?
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    Mystery Pepper Plant

    I guess mine area all runts. :neutral:
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    Mystery Pepper Plant

    True, doesn't my plants look small to be producing peppers already though?
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    Mystery Pepper Plant

    I'm surprised no one else has any idea what these may be or any input. Bummer :( I would like to add that for whatever reason all my peppers this year seem really healthy but stunted growth wise as far as height and amount of leaves... is this lack of nutes? I see all of your grow logs and am...
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    Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

    Dunno, but hey...either way i didn't spend that much and can always grow them and enjoy them for whatever they are right? So if these likely aren't legit..does anyone have a link for legit ones at a decent price, I would prefer to buy in the US.
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    Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

    Link I purchased them because he claims to have took the picture from his own plant. Granted he could easily lie about it, it at least looks like he's being honest to me.
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    Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

    Got um off ebay, so we'll see. I'm not terribly concerened. I will probably buy more, and get them from neil.
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    Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

    I just purchased 20 seeds, of this variety of trinidad scorp... heres to hoping there legit..i can't wait to grow them, but the only sad part is there wont be time before winter this year. I wish i could get my hands on some other different varieties for next growing season as well...i really...
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    Mystery Pepper Plant

    I have a couple quick questions for you guys. About how long does it normally take for a pepper like that to go from where it is now to ripe? And also, whats the best way to pick the peppers and encourage more growth or to keep it as healthy as possible? Cut it off at the base of the stem...
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    Mystery Pepper Plant

    Does these pictures help anyone?? I think it rules out jalapenos.
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    Mystery Pepper Plant

    I'm going to have to take some updated pics of these tonight. I'm hoping there not jalapenos, but who knows at this point..They currently have tiny peppers forming, and it almost looks like there going to be sticking straight up instead of hanging down.. I'll take updated pics tonight.
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    Mystery Pepper Plant

    Can anyone tell me what these mystery pepper plants are? I was sold these at a green house and was only told they were hott, they had no idea what they actually were. They think they come from mexico but were unsure. Some guy came in with the seeds and had the owner of the greenhouse grow...