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  1. schism

    Last pickin' this year

    The ones on the top left are sweet and hot banana. The ones one the bottom, second to the bottom right...I have no idea. The were a "freebie" seed I got.They did quite well too. No heat though, sweet. Almost like a red bell pepper.
  2. schism

    Last pickin' this year

    Last peppers of the year. Still have fish peppers and pepperoncini though. Just didn't[/img] feel like it today.
  3. schism

    Help - What are These?

    They look like pepperoncinis to me. here are mine on the plant.
  4. schism

    pics first real harvest pics!!

    I believe they were labeled as Congo Trinidad? Trinidad Congo? One of the 2. I got those particular seeds from Peppermania and every seed germinated. Those plants aare growing and producing like crazy. A lot of these I'll make sauces and powders, some salsa also. Some I'll give away, some I'll...
  5. schism

    pics first real harvest pics!!

    Thanks everyone. The pepperoncini exploded. I can't cut them fast enough. Actually everything seems to be doing well.
  6. schism

    pics first real harvest pics!!

    Pepperoncini, white hab, congo black, trinidad congo, some crazy cross? cayenne, some yellow things? poblano, fish peppers, serrano and jalapeno.
  7. schism

    Different shaped peppers from the same plant.

    I can't see your pic, however I have the same issue. The 5 peppers on the right of the cayenne are off of the same plant. I have no idea what causes this.
  8. schism

    A little experiment

    I have the same kinds of plants from the same batch of seeds in each bed. I have never checked the ph though. Also, the raised bed was filled with topsoil, but not a gardening type soil. In both beds, I dug a shovel full of dirt out and fill the hole with Pro-Mix for veggies. After posting this...
  9. schism

    A little experiment

    This year I tried something different. I took half of my plants and put them next to my house in the ground.Full sun. The others in a raised bed behind my wifes "bird" garden. It gets sun mid-day till evening. The ones next to the house are nowhere near as big as the others, and didn't really...
  10. schism

    pics some pics.

    They are Hungarian "super hots". The flowers are vinca's. They are not one plant!
  11. schism

    pics some pics.

    Heres a couple. I tried to upload several and only 2 came through.
  12. schism

    pics some pics.[/IMG][/://[/IMG]IMG]
  13. schism

    pics some pics.

  14. schism

    Sex on Pepper instead on the Beach

    I smashed a whole row of jalapenos doing the same thing......
  15. schism

    What are these?

    Thanks. still trying to master the pic thing. The middle 2 are cayennes.
  16. schism

    What are these?

    Picked a few of these today. I have a ton of cayenne's but I'm not sure what the other 2 are. They were "free" seeds in an unmarked packet. Any ideas??[/img]
  17. schism

    Trying to i.d. my peppers. Some don't seem right.

    Still trying to "master" the pic thing. The peppers are in the sub-alnum to my link HA! These are supposed to be Black Congo hot peppers These are longer and thicker than cayennes No clue here Also, don't even know if this is a pepper. Just now budding. Dark purple stem, green leave with...
  18. schism

    Trying to i.d. my peppers. Some don't seem right.

    My link I have a feeling some of my peppers were shipped mislabeled. And a couple are "mystery" seeds that were free.
  19. schism

    Snake repellent

  20. schism

    pics Got some pics

    Thanks for the help folks. i actually have about 51 plants when I get some peppers ripening I'll try to get a group shot. some of them I clumped together and they seem too be doing fine with the exception of the occasional hole in the leaf.