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  1. rooze

    Completely Random Comments

    Cancer: Your romantic personality and idealism conflict today as you get laid in the parking lot of a Burger King on your way home from work.
  2. rooze

    Chilli Antidote

    This isn't very technical so should be dismissed out of hand, but for me the best way to reduce the burn down to comfortable levels is to knock back a quick trio of White Russians. You've got the cold from the ice, the milk, the cream in the kahlua and the alcohol, all working together in...
  3. rooze

    contest September TD Ideas?

    Yep, there's that fer sure, but I think most people who 'get it' will see beyond the pics....which is why listing ingredients and technique (and teasers) is helpful. [Damn, I wish I knew how to make Tamales ...]
  4. rooze

    contest September TD Ideas?

    I'm still eating leftovers from the 4th July TD, but I may have to have a piece of this one, sounds like fun, haven't had the sombrero out since Cinco de Mayo :cool:
  5. rooze

    Completely Random Comments

    VIRGO: Wednesday will be a good day for you, relatively speaking. You'll be thinking about traveling overseas in the new year, but remember that virgos generally make poor hostages. At work you'll be at your most productive in the morning. An accident involving industrial machinery later in the...
  6. rooze

    Roozer's Stash -slow but steady start to growing!

    LOL...thanks are of course dead right. I noticed yesterday that the little pods started turning a deep purple color, which gave the game away. It flowers exactly like the other peppers, but I was suspicious of it given how small the actual plant was and how many 'pods' it was...
  7. rooze

    Roozer's Stash -slow but steady start to growing!

    Well that was the end of July, now four weeks later a quick progress update. I've finally got a handle on what's a plant and what's a weed, so my 'chile plant collection' dropped by around 15% :rofl: I've been really happy with the yield from the few plants that I have. I don't have much...
  8. rooze

    Jimmy Nardellos...My babies are sick I think

    Hey. That looks similar to the lurgie that infected one of my 4 Kung Pao plants earlier in the season - I got some advice on treatment in this thread here (The consensus was a copper spray....which I didn't end up using). In the end I didn't use anything on the plant, I just picked off all...
  9. rooze

    food The Drunken Chef

  10. rooze

    Justaguy's 2011 Garden Season

    That reminds me a bit of my days playing golf! Amazing harvest, the red fataliis rock!
  11. rooze

    drying I couldnt handle the smell of dehydrating so many hot peppers

    You could have some fun with the neighbors if you had enough of that ducting!
  12. rooze

    commercial-kichen commercial kitchen ?

    Salsa Lady's post has it all. Just for an example of what you can do, if you know a bar/restaurant owner with a licensed kitchen, ask them if they'd be interested in you making them their own Private Label hot sauce/salsa or whatever. Quite a few bars/restaurants sell their own products these...
  13. rooze

    Insanity - The Girls

    Nice plants/pods! I find it odd with my plants too that the first pods to ripen are those hidden away under a large leaf or just generally covered from direct sunlight....I would've thought it to be the opposite.
  14. rooze

    Chili Test - Super Chili

    NIce Vid - ! Those super chiles seem to be real easy to grow, and have a nice heat and decent of the few successful plants I've had this year. Brian, do you happen to know what the shu range is for the red fatalii? - Cheers
  15. rooze

    Completely Random Comments

    The smart ass answer would've been 'Earth", but I couldn't bring myself, she was kinda cute :)
  16. rooze

    You know you're a pepper freak if:

    She wouldn't say, just that it wasn't an herb :lol:
  17. rooze

    You know you're a pepper freak if:

    Ha!....nope this was a pepper, a hot little bugger too. Never had a reaction like that before, it was literally 30 seconds and my digestive system said "nope, this gotta go". Although what you said about the weeds reminded me of a little "family secret" from a few years 70 year old...
  18. rooze

    You know you're a pepper freak if:

    You know you're a pepper freak if/when - you go out in the garden, pick a pepper off a plant and you're not really sure what it is, eat it whole.....then 30 seconds later you're doubled up in pain, retching and trying to vomit so hard that your butt puckers up.... with tears of sweat streaming...
  19. rooze

    Completely Random Comments

    "Are you from somewhere?" (a waitress actually said that to me a few years back when she detected my accent :lol: )