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    Mosaic virus what to do with the dirt?

    Woah, ikeepfish. Think you can talk your boss into installing one of those ante rooms like they have for isolated ICUs in hospitals or for semiconductor fabricating facilities?
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    shade Pepper varieties that prefer shade

    Sorry Aaron, can't contribute to youre initiative. I've never seen such a thing as a pepper plant that likes shade.
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    lighting For Container Growers (Lights vs Sun)

    Hi Emald. Nice looking plants! I do get the feeling though, that they're still a little small to worry about flowering and fruiting yet (except for that tallest one maybe, guessing that one just overwintered?).   IMO imitating nature is the best, providing well balanced environment and nutrition...
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    favorite What is your favorite Cayenne?

    There's a variety called Cheongnyang that is quite popular in Korea (although it's actually thought to be an annum-frutescens hybrid). It's intended to be consumed green when it reaches full size but before it starts ripening, so you get a crisp, fresh taste in your mouth but still with a decent...
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    fl0ppy Glob

    Haha, very theatrical. So how long is the intermission until we see some live pepper?
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    Mosaic virus what to do with the dirt?

    Is it that rare? Guess there would be regional differences, but it's a major threat for Korean farmholds I hear. Here, I found a doc from the Korean Rural Development Administration saying soil samples from 4 different areas resulted in 19.7-38.6% infection...
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    pruning Topping vs FIMing vs Nothing

    What are you waiting for? Unleash the hot sauce. :onfire:
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    Late season 2014...or early start 2015

    Thanks! I'll put up some more pics once they grow a bit. Exactly what I would call him! This guy says he lives in the building that's at an angle and some 60 m off. Can't imagine how he can be bothered more by my lights than the full sun he gets from dawn to noon. Even claimed to have been to...
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    misc Flightless Ladybugs

    Same thing going on with broiler chickens nowadays.
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    Calita Red, Habenero.... Leaves turning over, not flowering.. much

    I've had leaves flipping like that before when there was a strong directional light source...but if you're outside that shouldn't be the case. For the pollen, most likely culprit is the temperature. Too high or too low, affects flower formation and pollen production.   Otherwise if the...
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    When is the best time to hand pollinate flowers?

    Maybe you're shaking the flowers off. ;)
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    misc Flightless Ladybugs

    my apologies for being insensitive georgej. it was an inappropriate joke.       the article says they had a 30 generation breeding program on par to what Joyners did, so I'm guessing Delta shouldn't be quite so alarmed about "engineering" insects. Dachshunds, pitbulls, welsh terriers, flightless...
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    When is the best time to hand pollinate flowers?

    had any luck with the crossing, magicpepper? some magic hybrids?   Tasty stuff. What else are you planning to grow?   You know, a lot of people use brushes or electric teethbrush or petting their plants for hand pollination. But what I do when I want to be absolutely sure, is this: I use the...
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    Murciano 2014

    wow, that was fast! 1st entry and you've already got pods ;)
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    Southern Heat

    Hey hey, those little seedlings are looking good. Love the enthusiasm with which you apply yourself to the challenge. Let's see who has more pods by the end of the season!
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    When is the best time to hand pollinate flowers?

    Supposed to be early afternoon around 1pm-ish.   For me, it's just whenever I have the time. But from personal observation I would say they do seem to have more pollen around that time.     If you don't have enough wind and/or insects, they do need manual intervention.
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    Late season 2014...or early start 2015

    Hey everyone, thanks for all the moral support and tips! Hope I'll have some pics of healthy, heavy pod laden monsters to share soon.   Already threw out a bunch of pineapple tops, my flat was too dry while the heating was still on. That's also where the plastic wrap comes in. It has actually...
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    misc Flightless Ladybugs

    Are we sure it's not just a byproduct of the fukushima leak?
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    Late season 2014...or early start 2015

    Thought I'd join everyone in on the glogging, as it would also help me remember what I did when and how the plants were doing at a specific point in time. A little late in the season, but I'm starting some plants to get a good head start for 2015 (maybe a little too early?) ^--The Incubator...
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    Greenhouse or Outdoor?

    RIght on! Would love to have more predators visiting my grow though. An imbalance in the force there is. Do you sense it?