I too made the mistake this year of too-close spacing for several of my plants that are turning in to huge producers, but it's a problem I don't mind having.
That overwinter is just enormous; bordering on "tree" at this point.
Is this a cross of some kind? All of my Brazilian Starfish plants are putting on pods that have much LESS pronounced star-points and more pendulous. I received my seeds directly from pepperlover.com last year.
I sometimes wonder if these GLOGs get read all that often...
In any case, another week and things are still progressing nicely. Central Florida continues to be quite hot and humid (upper 80's for temps and humidity swinging between 50% - 90% depending on the hour). We haven't had hardly any...
I use approximately 2 Tablespoonfuls per planting hole. I don't have a scientific basis behind that number, and at the same time I haven't ever had any issues. The eggshell will basically be "inert" in terms of bioavailability to the plant until it gets broken down in the soil.
I don't...
I haven't tried one yet. Last year they were very nice and extremely hot. Many of my scorpion pods ended up in PexPepper sauces in 2014.
Truth be told... Scorpions are not my favourite; and they are too hot for everyday eating (for me). I had about a dozen scorpions last year and I'm down...
Most likely the poblano, with slightly atypical pheno due to growing conditions or aphid damage early on. It is very "C. annum" and not nearly bumpy enough to be a Devil's Tongue. I've grown both the yellow and red DT's and they never start that green; more of a lime-green into whatever their...
When I do my pre-season soil amendments for each year I add in powdered eggshells that I've collected from the previous season. This year I had just over 5 pounds of ground eggshell to add to to my small (20'x20') garden. I know that the bioavailability of eggshell to the plants can take time...
I only have 3 scorpion plants for this year, all red Morugas as the "mystery Butch-T" plants I had in containers didn't survive the winter. Not a loss for me given that I didn't really use the pods all that much last year; most went off to PexPeppers in SFRB's. I have found that I prefer the...
I don't quite understand the desire for "larger sized" chiles. If a plant is healthy and already 6"-8" tall if it is planted in a good growth medium with proper lighting and irrigation it will generally TAKE OFF. My overwinters in 7" pots where only 3"-4" tall just 8 weeks ago and some of...
I'll back off on the watering a bit and see how that goes. Like I said, the only variable that has changed this year is the location of the light table (garage vs. porch)
I've started from seed for a few years now but this is the first year I'm having this issue.
Most of my seedlings, but particularly the C. annums have upturned and curling true leaves and some yellowing around the edges.
My potting soil is a mix of Lambert organic Canadian peat moss, coarse...
A few more pictures I grabbed after getting home today:
Naga Viper, 1 of 3 I have this year
Another Carolina Reaper going bloom and pod crazy.
No pods as yet, but this is a 7 Pot Barrackpore is full bloom.
Brazilian Starfish on the left, 7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow on the right
Ha, Olive buckets! Last year I was using kitty litter buckets with holes drilled in the bottom for some of my plants in the front privacy fenced area. It worked for the most part but I did have some issues with drainage even with 10-12 1/2" drain holes in each bucket. You may want to do the...