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  1. peppernovice

    overwintering My overwintered Bhut Jolokia plant

      I suggest you consider potting up if you want it to reach it's full potential. A 5 gallon pot is acceptable to grow and generate pods, but it will grow even more if you put it in a larger pot. I had a Bhut Jolokia caramel in about a 20 gallon container last year. I also had a Carolina Reaper...
  2. peppernovice

    Cappy's 2015 Chocolate BS

        Are you sure those aren't plastic plants? They look to good to be real! :)  I'm amazed at how good your plants look. Keep up the good work. I posted a quick progress video, I may need to take it down after seeing those beast you're growing!   Tim
  3. peppernovice

    video Quick Progress Video

       Sorry for the confusion Jimbo. I tried to use some soil I had left over. It was still in the bag. I stored it in my building. I don't know if it was the soil, or the additives. I've read where several people have reused soil from their pots, and had success. I put the used soil in my garden...
  4. peppernovice

    video Quick Progress Video

        Thanks guys. I can't wait to see your update Stoney. I appreciate the kind words Moruga. Runescape.....A few have some sunburn, but not too bad. They were all pale and near death. I'm not sure what exactly caused it, but at least they're on the right track now.   Tim
  5. peppernovice

    video Quick Progress Video

       Here's a quick video showing my progress so far. I'm way behind this year due to a myriad of issues. The plants are finally starting to grow, so hopefully I'm on the right track. Take a look and let me know what you think.   Tim
  6. peppernovice

    pics Pod pics.

       Good looking pods Shorerider. It's just starting to warm up here, so it'll be a long time before we see pods.      Tim
  7. peppernovice

    Cappy's 2015 Chocolate BS

        Those plants look like they should be in a magazine. They are absolutely gorgeous. This has been my toughest year ever, aside from maybe the first year I ever grew peppers. I had a lot of issues, but it seems I'm finally getting things straightened out. I took your advice and shopped around...
  8. peppernovice

    Cappy's 2015 Chocolate BS

       Cappy.....Do you mind elaborating on your lighting setup? Perhaps a picture if that's possible. I was so impressed with your results, I went in search of a metal halide HID light today. The only thing I could find local was an exterior flood light. It was regularly $110, but because it was...
  9. peppernovice

    For growers in the Dallas area with too many plants

       SmokenFire.......You must have missed the part where I said " Either way, I admire your willingness to help. May God bless you with a bountiful harvest!".  My apologies to the OP. I never meant to hijack your thread.    Tim
  10. peppernovice

    Cappy's 2015 Chocolate BS

       Cappy....I hope this isn't off topic. I was curious about the mushroom compost you're using. I've never tried it before, but you're plants look so healthy, I went and picked up a few bags. How early do you introduce this into your medium? How much do you use? I'm excited about having an...
  11. peppernovice

    For growers in the Dallas area with too many plants

       Capcom.... Sorry I didn't post it earlier. It's in the King James Version  2nd Thessalonians Chapter 3 verse 10 " For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
  12. peppernovice

    For growers in the Dallas area with too many plants

        I see both sides of the issue. I too feel we cater far too much to people that are more than happy to sit back and let somebody else do the "heavy lifting". That's the problem. There are so many people taking advantage of the system, that the people who really need it either can't get help...
  13. peppernovice

    seeds watering seedlings

      Beautiful plants Ocho. As I stated, I've never tried bottom watering. I've never had any problems top watering, but your plants put up a nice argument to at least give it a try.   Tim
  14. peppernovice

    seeds germination help and general growing questions

       I've used the same process for about 4 years now. I take all the seeds I'm plating and put them in individual cups filled with warm water. I let them soak while I prepare everything else. It usually ends up being around an hour. You'll hear everything from I don't soak my seeds, to I soak...
  15. peppernovice

    Cappy's 2015 Chocolate BS

      Beautiful....I have 3 babies from the seeds you sent. I can't wait till they get some true leaves.   Tim
  16. peppernovice

    seeds Seedlings look like they are drying out

      Don't stress. Even guys who have been doing this for years still make mistakes. I've been growing supers for about 4 years now (that's not very long compared to most here). I tried using a "super soil" I mixed my self from BX Pro Mix, dolomitic lime, blood meal, and bone meal. Small amounts of...
  17. peppernovice

    seeds watering seedlings

       I've never tried bottom watering. I've always watered from the top. I do as stated, just from the top. Allow the medium to dry fairly well, then do a thorough top watering. I've posted several videos of my plants over the past 2 years. Take a look. They seem to do pretty well.     Tim
  18. peppernovice

    Cappy's 2015 Chocolate BS

       Just curious Cappy, are you open to trades? I can't think of anything better than some brain strain seeds straight from the source.     Tim
  19. peppernovice

    Cappy's 2015 Chocolate BS

      Thank you for the quick response Cappy. I hope I didn't come off disrespectful. I feel honored just to be having a conversation with you. I was just shocked because I had never heard of leaving them under the lights 24/7. I'm sure that's not the first thing you will teach me.     Tim
  20. peppernovice

    Cappy's 2015 Chocolate BS

      Did I read that correctly? Lights on 24/7? How long do you run lights 24/7? I'm like you, I like to feed my seedlings fish emulsion around the first pot up. I've never ran lights 24/7 though. I usually run about 16 on and 8 off. You have me thinking now.       Tim