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  1. gardenvato

    Question about habanero plant

    wow....... let me see if i understand you right...are you saying you bought a pepper at a store, removed a seed and used that to plant? or did you get a seed packet? if you got it from a seed packet, somebody messed up big time in packaging. if you got it from a a...
  2. gardenvato

    Greetings from Indiana !

    merry christmas from the frozen wasteland of utah. -16F really sucks!
  3. gardenvato

    Need to know what type of pepper this is.

    interesting pics. does anyone know where to get seeds for that white devil's tongue or the blondie that johnf posted? i grow white tomatoes (most were closer to yellow this year) and id like to make a pure white salsa or hot sauce. thanks in advance
  4. gardenvato

    What peppers can't you find in your area?

    very few superhots. the hottest ive seen around as far as seed packets go is regular orange habanero. most people have never heard of jolokias or the many other varieties that come from the caribbean. most people grow hybrid jalapenos, serranos at the hottest. in the nurseries you can sometimes...
  5. gardenvato

    Greetings from Romania!

    welcome from utah
  6. gardenvato

    chinense opinions on jolokia flavor?

    i didnt do any cooking with them, only put them into salsa that i normally make with habaneros. because of the fruity taste of habs, the salsa usually turns out having a fruity taste, but using the bhuts, it had a taste that was really unlike anything ive had before, but it was lacking the...
  7. gardenvato

    thanks for the welcome

    thanks for the welcome
  8. gardenvato

    utah pepperhead

    hahaha....its true. even if i wanted to i wouldnt be able to stay away from the peppers. thanks for the welcomes.
  9. gardenvato

    chinense opinions on jolokia flavor?

    i tried bhut jolokia for the first time just a few weeks ago, thanks to a friend in california who sent them to me. the heat was quite intense, but as far as the flavor goes i was a little disappointed. this isnt to say it had a bad flavor, it just wasnt as good as the classic orange habaneros...
  10. gardenvato

    harvesting AJs Major Harvest 12-02-09

    awesome harvest alabama jack.
  11. gardenvato

    utah pepperhead

    found this site after a guy on another forum mentioned it. looks like theres a lot of folks here who share my obsession. im out in utah where its a little difficult to get a great harvest of peppers, but we get some decent loads when the weather is good. not into peppers so much for the burn...