Here I found this useful and it has the amount for the cheaper 3% if you are just experimenting or have a smaller garden
Houston for climate
Water in the morning moist soil
Organic soil
Fert 9_12_12
Pot 16 inch
Morning sun till 12
Evenings sun 4 till 7
No bugs I have seen
Dont have a ph meter
We bought these particular plants
Direct sunlight
So I have researched and done my homework to get the best growth and proper nutrients
Me and my brother have both planted the same time
He is completely winging it and his plant is twice as big with huge leaves
I swear to god I see why people would use miracle grow now
I have heard that a lot of people think the brain strain is the hottest
Speaking of which I would really like to get my hands on some, and some seeds for next year if anyone has any