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  1. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    Added a bit more to my set up Got my ac to usb power adaptor I hooked it up to a comp fan to blow cold air over everything to help keep the heat from rising too much Another photo of it Then my heat lamp on my sprouts with a thermometer
  2. thebat

    food Hot honey

    I would like to try this with aji lemon peppers. Next time I'd use some sort of powdered thickener for sure. Was a hit at dinner last night. We had some grilled chicken and everyone liked it when they tried it. :)
  3. thebat

    food Hot honey

    The honey is pretty runny from the moisture in the peppers. If you want it thicker you could add pectin to it to thicken it a wee bit.
  4. thebat

    food Hot honey

    I updated the end of the first post with flavors. It is quite good. If you made it with superhots that would satisfy your desire for hot and sweet while you can have it on toast for breakfast! :) Also if you don't have a double boiler you can put a bowl on top of a pot of boiling water.
  5. thebat

    food Hot honey

    Nope, my friend and I want to make a label that says "Honeybadger, it just doesn't give a sh*t"
  6. thebat

    food Hot honey

    So my friend and I wanted to cook with peppers today after trying some smoked bhut powder I bought. So we decided to make some hot honey. We bought some orange habs and honey Supplies/ingredients double boiler honey habs strainer funnel cooking thermometer We weighed out a good amount of...
  7. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    Woo sprouts! Its late tonight. Was out with some friends and the girlfriend so I didn't have time during the day to set up my peppers. I have 3 sprouts now with their leaves up craving some light. I bought the cheap-o florescent fixture from menards for $8. It didn't come with any light...
  8. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    First sprout! It's one of my 7 pot yellows :) hopefully more to follow soon.
  9. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    I just got a new phone with an 8mp camera so that means better quality pictures. Yay! :) I just soldered up a computer fan with a switch to a 6ft usb cable that i might use to circulate the air in the grow tent I'll be making. I'll have a video of it up soon and hopefully some pics of my tent...
  10. thebat

    greenhouse Greenhouse heating...I must be dreaming!

    You'll need to pay attention to the a.h. rating of the batteries also. So a deep cycle battery would be better suited towards using a specific amount of power for a set period of time. You'll need to make sure your solar panels you have can charge your battery bank quick enough as to not...
  11. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    I added a little personal touch to my grow area
  12. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    I got my grow light hung up today. Holding the chains together and the light up are these little guys One side goes up and around a support for an air vent and then the magnets are holding the chain to it This is how I hold the chain to the light. Note the use of magnets.
  13. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    Checked my temp when I got home and it was a toasty 29.6C :)
  14. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    I checked my temp this morning and half uncovering my seed tray dropped the temp to 27C so about 80F. Now its 3/4 covered and hoping it will bring the temp back up close to 85, maybe 84. Need to go out and buy some chain and elmers glue soon. The chain is to hang my light and the glue is to make...
  15. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    I first was using dixies then realized the ones I had wouldn't hold water very well so I found the ice cube tray. Really simplified everything by just labeling the sticks!
  16. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    Yeah, it really is. We haven't had much snow all winter. I never once had to shovel snow this winter :)
  17. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    No need for the heat light I found out. A blanket over the top for the time being keeps the tray/dome at a toasty ~85F! I ordered an electronic thermometer online not too long ago and it came in the mail today. Its accurate within +/- 1C I can take a sway within 1 degree for the convenience of...
  18. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    I'll be updating with some more pictures when I get home :) I got a digital thermometer in the mail today
  19. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    So this year I wanted to grow some peppers after being bored at work and browsing the internet. I found out that the ghost chili isn't the hottest pepper in the world anymore. That got me interested in what was and all sorts of other things. Then I found this website and am constantly on it...
  20. thebat

    Our first super hots

    Ahh the start of a new semester! I brought my pepper powder to school today to have with lunch (burritos) and give to a friend (who agreed to eat fresh pods when grown). He took a small amount, not as much as we did in the video but his face turned red and he started sweating. He did like it...