I'm donating my first 2 pods to my second cousins, they test different hot sauces out, but aren't gowers. They should be in for a good shocker soon! :)
I give it to you.. I couldn't Imagine taking care of that many plants or the cost of it.. If I could make make a living of it, that would be fine with me.
Well.. after first two weeks of rain everyday since potting up.. I finally got a dry spell.. so i mixed 1 gallon of full strength nutrients per bucket. The plants started greening up and lost most of their yellow leaves.
Bubblegum Scorpion
Chocolate Bhutlah
Chocolate Habanero
Thanks for checking out my grow. It hasn't done all that well. I'm growing in coco, and it's been raining a lot.. washing all the nutes from my buckets. I will be posting an update soon.
Maybe think about starting a Nursery, that specializes in selling only chili plants, an hundred varieties. Maybe keep mother plants and take cuttings to sell.