12-14 inches from the light. I got one 150 watt hps.. 8 40 watt cfl's.. about as equivalent as a 400 watt hps in a 4' wide.. 2' deep.. 2' high grow space to the glass.. that separates the lights from the grow area. 6 inch inline fan pulling the heat at the top. My lights come on 45 minutes...
I know what you mean.. I grew out 3 Red Habs a few years back.. one had elongated pods.. which were beautiful.. saved the seeds.. but yet to plant them.
Experiment Time :)
Says to spray them at night.. so will be leaving in dark until leaves dry.. then put under the lights.
[Day 1]
This is the other one.. slightly smaller.
Using at half strength foliar.
thanks Cold Smoke. the room they're in is small.. and I usually leave that door shut.. so carbon dioxide might be part of the problem. Nutes say .5% magnesium.. so at half strength .25%.. so I may need to go full strength. Thanks for the help everyone!
hydro grow.. half strength nutes.. 6.0 ph.. that's all i got.. just trying to correct the problem before the rest of my plants get deficiencies. I'm using Fox Farm Grow Big Hydro Plant Food.. 3-2-6.. half strength.