Yup they will do fine. Thats how i make the leavess smaller on my bonsai. I take them al off and leave th etiny tiny buds alone and they come back about 1/3 the size of the previous ones and then progressively come larger and if i just prune the big new ones, but when they all start getting to...
Yup. I use 6400k personally because thats what came with my fixtures and it works extremely well so I doubt there is any noticable differene, and i still get flowers on my carnivorous plants and buds on my peppers under them. Never used a 3000k but I am geting a new shelf or two for peppers soon...
Personally I just dehydrate mine because they shrink quite a bit and can be either stored without taking up freezer room, or flaked/powdered and then you can litterally fit liek 100's of pods into small containers. I coule easily fit 100 fatali pods into a sandwitch ziplock when powdered and...
Ya i wouldnt send frozen pods to peole unless you are shipping htem thermoregulated with dry ice or in a special shipping truck or something cuz they will open a box of potentially rotten mush lol..
You should be able to dehydrate them fine tho. I dont see why not.
IF the ones you got dont kill you, ill may be able to send you a bhut of mine that will burn ur entire face... seriouslt.. it wil feel liek youve been sunburned and about to get skin cancer
None germinating at 8 days.. I just sowed some fresh from a pod though as well for my prio comparison experiment and ill see if the fresh ones are any different.. Obviously those havent either since i sowed them last night.
Oh really? I'll take it out of the light shelf then.
I wanted to graft different plants onto the main stem all the way up so new branches from each variety can grow instead of I ly having one or two branches of each variety.
I wish you could Graft them in a way that would make them grow both...
I am setting out on a quest to make a plant that produces a bunch of different superhot varieties that I like.
Right now I am working with 2 plants. A douglah and a yellow 7 because I like oth of those. I took the tops off of each and put them on the other. I am HOPING to have the main...
Hey guys,
Due to the debate on whether or not a Carolina Reaper is just a 7 Pod "Primo", I have decided to grow them side by side.
As of today, 10/16/12, I have sown 4 seeds of each in wet paper towels sealed in ziplock bags and placed on my grow shelf under my t5 lights. I have germinated all...
Ive done tg on all my reviews.. I Do it cux i usually do the reiew on an empty stomach and i dont wanna have to drink a ton of calories in milk or icecream to cool my stomach.. and plus imo stomach cramps 15 minutes later arent fun for anyone cuz im not maing an hour long video.. when my...
My cousin is 8 ns hw locwa hot sauce like Tabasco, Chulula Chipotle, and noow i got him hooked on tapatio.. HE loves it!! Wants to eat hot stuff with me now lol..
If you review all peppers the same way it is an accurate comparison, and plus. Once the pods hit your stomach they all do the same thing. Burn like shit. No taste difference or anything so the review ends when it leaves your mouth and when the mouth burn settles. Plus, its not a 'waste' of a...
LOL.. Ok you do that, but I have explained many times before why I do not swallow them on video. It adds almost nothing to the video because the stomach cramps that come later on and last for hours are not taped anywayunless you;d want a day long video to watch.
Also, it's not like I spit them...