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  1. C

    seed-train 2024-2025 Mega Seed Train

    It's been a few years for me. I'll take #5
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    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    Headed to Biggy Tracking# 9505 5109 9219 0028 3109 42
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    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    Well that stinks. I was looking forward to a full and renewed A train because the B train was basically all last year's stuff when I got it. I hardly took anything from it. Any way of knowing who raped it?
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    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    Well that's pretty sorry. I took 5 varieties from the b train, totaling maybe 30 or 40 seeds, and left at least 200. No sense in being greedy folks. The purpose of the seed train is to give us all an opportunity to get our hands on a few varieties that we may not have been able to get otherwise...
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    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    B train is off. Tracking # 9505 5109 9216 9322 5152 30
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    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    Went through the b train tonight. Will get it back out on Monday.
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    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    I hope you wrote Ar. on the package and Not AZ? Either way the zip code should get it here just fine. Cant wait!
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    seed-train Signup for the 2019/2020 mega seed train is now open!

    Im in! Any spot is fine with me.
  9. C

    Bacterial leaf spot? Too high EC?

    Yes, maybe bottom water and let them be...
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    Bacterial leaf spot? Too high EC?

    Also, you want the top couple inches of soil to stay dry to prevent overwatering, fungus gnats, and other problems. The top can be dry and still be soaked on the bottom.
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    Bacterial leaf spot? Too high EC?

    They look fine to me. Definitely don't see any signs of bls. Do you have them in straight coir? Feeding every couple of days seems excessive otherwise. I dont generally start feeding mine until they have 6-8 sets of true leaves.
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    health Spots on Bishop's Crown

    Yeah I have always noticed them in my garden but never noticed this problem until now. I guess they really like this Bishops Crown. Its funny because my other two BCs that are right beside it are completely unaffected, but they are from an Australian seed stock, these came from a grower in the...
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    health Spots on Bishop's Crown

    I think you are right. Thanks
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    health Spots on Bishop's Crown

    And no, it is not sunburn. I realise it looks sibmilar in the pics. They dont really do it justice. They look almost rotten, but like I said fairly firm to the touch....
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    health Spots on Bishop's Crown

    Just started noticing this in the last week or so. The spots look almost rotten but they are fairly firm and dont seem to penetrate the outer skin of the flesh. No noticeable spots on stems or leaves. Overall plant is healthy and very bushy. Mostly shows up in ripe pods, or just before they...
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    P. Dreadie Memorial Group Grow 2016

    This is my only Bonnet plant this year and it is very prolific considering the size of the plant. I have gotten a few "Dreadie" shaped pods but most on this first wave are off-pheno. I expect that to change as the season progresses. Thanks to Chewi for helping me out with seeds.
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    vendor whitehotpeppers
  18. C

    pics Harvest

    Turned the Aji Fantasy into jelly. Just did a small batch as a trial run. Pretty amazing flavor!
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    Leaf drop out of nowhere

    Exactly. It can take up to two weeks for me to harden off in April-May. I imagine it would be even tougher to do it in mid-July...
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    Leaf drop out of nowhere

    Looks like nitrogen burn to me. Could be some overwatering as well. Did you harden it off when you moved it outside, or just straight into the sun?