@Vodu , since you will be receiving both packages at nearly the same time, please make note of which one is the A and the B train. I have updated the list on page 1.
Also since it’s a lot to go through, you are welcome to take a little more time to make your selections.
Paul g came up with a great idea of putting the list on page one and editing it as the train moves from stop to stop. This way it’s always there for everyone to find. By keeping it at page 1, I will not need to constantly repost it .
Let’s get this started! Would “Thoroughburro”and “some guy” message me your address please.
Someguy you will receive the “A” half of the train. It will move down the list.
Thoroughburro, you will receive the “B” half of the train. It will begin at the bottom of the list and move upward.
Oh, and just a reminder, be sure to grab a flat rate bubble mailer from the post office. They are not always in stock so sometimes it’s necessary to order them.