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  1. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    CaneDog 2020

    Nice CD, flexo is a flexing some big guns. That Aji Am is tall, are they typically a more taller than wide plant?
  2. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    SKULLBIKERS Roaring Into The Twenties GLOG

    Nice, another joint that sounds oh so good. Dry tub now that’s a different story, I agree it depends on if they dried to damage. So how’s the kratky look today, any lift of the leaves?
  3. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    GPR 2020: Seeing clearly

    No problem brother, finally got more plants outside so one step closer to Haskorea  :party:   Minor update, love the foliage of this dark  :metal:  
  4. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    SKULLBIKERS Roaring Into The Twenties GLOG

    Saw your kratky plant mishap, plant should come back strong. I feel ya on the Golden Corral, been hankering for a buffet something fierce  :cheers:
  5. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    CaneDog 2020

    Love the peach Bhut, loved the flavor but yes it could’ve been made a stronger cross IMO. Plants looking sick with all that crazy lighting  ;)  :mouthonfire:
  6. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    StettoGro 4: Spredner Tin 2020

    Thanks Stett, we all on the same page here. CoronaChina sucks and Scott only keeping one letter, I thought the k stays too unless you were gonna have it say Fart China  :rofl:   72 plants, dang I got some catching up to do  Andy I’m right there with ya cuz friends that had it said Zpac and lots...
  7. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    CaneDog 2020

    Crazy lookin pepper varieties...well done  :onfire:           not gonna take it...up for grabs  :D
  8. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    Purple Thunder / Bhut Jolokia x (PdN x Bonda Ma Jacques)

    Nice brother, wild how they look different colors. Pepper boredom is the best kind
  9. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    GPR 2020: Seeing clearly

    Thanks man, the rain outside is waking everyone up so looking to free up the popper tomorrow by say 5 plants  ;)     Thanks, me too. Something about those funky purple plants that just look freakin kool. As for mulch I don’t add any, the soil mix I get has pine bark chunks and composted soil...
  10. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    SKULLBIKERS Roaring Into The Twenties GLOG

    Nice...gonna have to try it sometime  :eh:  :think: your production is putting me to shame  :clap:
  11. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    Purple Thunder / Bhut Jolokia x (PdN x Bonda Ma Jacques)

    Thanks buddy boy, good looking plant and definitely curious about it as it gets bigger  :cheers:
  12. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    SKULLBIKERS Roaring Into The Twenties GLOG

    So what are ya paying these guys to watch your peppers  :clap:
  13. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    Purple Thunder / Bhut Jolokia x (PdN x Bonda Ma Jacques)

    Here’s my little guy getting some color  :dance:     mystery sprouts too but I’ll post them in a bit.
  14. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    GPR 2020: Seeing clearly

    Had to split post because there are way too many pictures  :party: lovin the colors on these plants  :mouthonfire:  Jury is still out on my fantasy, looks a lot like my Aji Fantasy yella  :pray:            
  15. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    GPR 2020: Seeing clearly

    Update time... lots of growth and pods a coming  who nose what this guy will be  :liar:            
  16. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    StettoGro 4: Spredner Tin 2020

    I want one Scott  :hell:  :lol:
  17. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    StettoGro 4: Spredner Tin 2020

    Your deformed Aji Oro looks kool, wondering too what weirdo peppers come about  :silenced:
  18. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    Devv: Someday, I'll get this right, South Tejas Growing

    Nice, same here just no hail...yet  ;)
  19. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    Next to My Chair Again

    Plants looking solid
  20. Ghost Pepper Revolution

    Walchit 2020

    I like sticking them out on the evening before cloudy/rainy days and they seem to respond nice, if those aren’t coming I stick em outside in filtered sunlight like under a tree. Mine harden off in a day or two which is remarkable considering FL sun & heat plants look sweet btw