Really? Wow, I wonder what kind of soap mix ya used. I do a gallon of water to 2 tsp 7th gen natural Dish soap and my seedings never even flinch. That’s crazy :shocked:
kool grow ya got bud, that’s a whole lot of aphids. I’d be spraying them with soap every couple days to keep those little devils at bay especially with the baby here getting mauled :eek:
Haha yeah Melbourne is 2.5 hrs exactly due north and US 1 isn’t Far East either. An acre in a decade out there will be worth a pretty penny as our state is only growing with every snow storm up north :rofl: :shh:
Thanks, the plants need to be potted and my lazy booty has got to make it happen...
Glad that not all your plants died from Coronablizzard-20 and it was good that some seeds popped cuz you’ll need em it seems. Makes sense that the Aji Limarillo survived especially considering its circumstances
Nah, the shipping container is my new hurricane proof shed. Current one will be leveled along with the cub, generator and the various chainsaws and such if a good hurricane hits. Seeing the way this year is going I figure I might as well before I regret not getting one. :shh:
Yeah I read about them, they’re nasty little things and you can bet that if I catch them here I’ll go legit flame thrower. :flamethrower:
I am intrigued to see how the murder hornets stack up to the Africanized killer bees
Soil mixed and separated into more manageable loads for the transplants. Now on to stripping the land and making space for the 20’ shipping container to get dropped this week.
Aji Cachucha finally sprouted
grew a pair and culled the double weaklings except Bode Roxa
Really? That’s cheap, dang it the temptation to spend some of that fresh Uncle Sam dough on a 3D printer is growing. :scared:
also, barking dog mask? He’s got a shower cap on and maybe y’all need to send me whatever you’re on :hmm: :high: