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  1. SomeLikeItHot

    What hybrids do you intend to try and create this season?

    That's my plan for next season if I can get my hands on a white bhut.
  2. SomeLikeItHot

    Chocolate Ghosts

    I'll post pictures in a few days, gonna have to wait til I have a chance to grab them off my phone since my woman stole my computer usb cable.
  3. SomeLikeItHot

    Chocolate Ghosts

    I bet it did. I had to do a triple take when I walked downstairs (bedrooms are on the second floor in my condo) this morning and was almost blinded by that neon orange ghost. I'd be shocked if I didn't get a noise complaint over it.
  4. SomeLikeItHot

    Chocolate Ghosts

    No need at all to apologize man. You technically gave me the 2 bhuts free anyway. I was just wondering if these were one of the strains that go through a multiple color ripening process. Definitely no complaints from the peanut gallery on this one. Especially since it was a mystery plant to...
  5. SomeLikeItHot

    Chocolate Ghosts

    Yeah, it was odd. Mine started from dark green to show a hint of brown and then BOOM next day neon orange.
  6. SomeLikeItHot

    Chocolate Ghosts

    Looks like my first pod on my mystery plant is ripening. We assumed it was a chocolate ghost (as he had one that wasn't accounted for), but this thing is ripening neon orange. What's the color cycle for Chocolate Ghosts?
  7. SomeLikeItHot

    powder-flake Drying out pepper powder ideas?

    Biz probably eats them for dessert daily anyway.
  8. SomeLikeItHot

    powder-flake Drying out pepper powder ideas?

    Those powder cookies would make a crazy challenge for the site...
  9. SomeLikeItHot

    I am Lauren Delux

    Welcome from Missouri. Fair warning... Within a year you won't have anything BUT pepper plants in your back yard. It's an addiction, similar to crack, except you can still get hired on if you use them before an interview. That is, assuming you aren't still drooling and can finally speak again...
  10. SomeLikeItHot

    RIP Pepperproblem :(

    He'll be missed for sure.
  11. SomeLikeItHot


    Depending on how far along they are, my buddies will probably snag a few. Missouri's grow season isn't too long, so they'll just want to make sure they'll get a few harvests this year.
  12. SomeLikeItHot


    What are the plants looking like at this point? Got a few friends local who may be interested.
  13. SomeLikeItHot

    romy6 peppers closed at the moment:(

    How are the red douglahs flavor-wise in comparison to the regular douglahs?
  14. SomeLikeItHot

    Dorset Naga Test from Romy6 by PexPeppers

    Fair warning... J's barrackpores are evil, vile creatures made from the magma's of mount vesuvius itself. Keep a fire extinguisher by the table, milk won't fix the burn.
  15. SomeLikeItHot

    romy6 peppers closed at the moment:(

    No doubt, J's a genius when it comes to producing quality pods.
  16. SomeLikeItHot

    (EDIT: Getting Worst!!!) My plants need your help!

    Eggshells are FULL of calcium. Crunch em down as much as ya can, and throw em in water for a couple days. The calcium is extracted into the water, which is then given to the plants. Calcium deficiency is the usual cause of mishapen leaves like that. As for how many, I don't know if there's...
  17. SomeLikeItHot

    romy6 peppers closed at the moment:(

    If I can fix my issue with paypal (someone bought something large from me, turned out the money wasn't their's to give...) then I'll probably go for one to tide me over until mine are ready. Tornado season has definitely put me a bit behind on getting my plants happy outside.
  18. SomeLikeItHot

    (EDIT: Getting Worst!!!) My plants need your help!

    Try making an eggshell tea and see if that doesn't help out the new growth. Looks like calcium for sure.
  19. SomeLikeItHot


    Glad to hear you managed to avoid being one of the unlucky ones from that crazy storm too. The one that hit St. Charles touched down about a mile from my condo.