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  1. GA Growhead

    Romy6 2015

    Nice pods! I made a fermented orange sriracha, in beginning of last year, out of those orange Thai hots and some large orange Thais that Annie sent me. It turned out great, but too hot for anyone but me. Wasn't trying to keep it all for myself, but you know how it goes. ;) Those little guys...
  2. GA Growhead

    Aji Mango

    I really like these. From what I can see here, the was a reason they where on Judy's new & unstable page. Definitely some variation. Here is one of mine. These have a mild baccy taste with a fruity mango undertone. The smell is strong fruity baccy. But there really is a slight mango taste in...
  3. GA Growhead

    GA Growhead's - something special this way grows

    They turn a true brown. Will post up a pict once that pods is ripe. Thanks guys! A few picts... Some not quite brown pods. Brown 7 on the left & a choc bhutlah from PL on the right. First ripe Dulce Sol from PL. Tasty little pods on the short baccatum. One of the brown eggs. Have...
  4. GA Growhead

    GA Growhead's - something special this way grows

    An unintentional cross with a neat shape. MOA x ? Purple. Starting get more red this evening, but looked orange before hand.
  5. GA Growhead

    GA Growhead's - something special this way grows

    You know you can, anything you want Jamison! Lol
  6. GA Growhead

    GA Growhead's - something special this way grows

    I was shocked when I saw that bonnet. It really is huge! The jay's Peach are a killer one. I have been growing my own seed out since purchasing them two (or three ?) years ago, and they have stayed consistently gnarly. And man, can they light you up! Taste awesome too!
  7. GA Growhead

    GA Growhead's - something special this way grows

    I wanted to say that as nice as I could. I almost wanted to disappear for a few years to have my fun without any drama. I hate to have to say no to anyone, for any reason. But... Would miss all the great people and learning experiences shared here if cut loose. Thanks for the mental support! You...
  8. GA Growhead

    Question: How long do you let your peppers ripen before picking them?

    To be honest, I like to let the pod stay on until it started to get soft to determine how long each variety takes. Mainly only matters for seed saving, to ensure mature seed. For eating, try taking at different stages to find the best heat/flavor combo for your taste buds. Peppers are their...
  9. GA Growhead

    windchicken 2015

    Awesome view Gary!
  10. GA Growhead

    hybrid Jim Duffy 7 Pot Lava Red cross.

    I have a beef with Mr Duffy. Read about problems with his bonnets growing into orange habs. Someone called him out somewhere online and he responded. Claimed he bought the seeds and was never using that guy again, blah blah blah. Supposably sent dude some new seeds. So I'm thinking this is...
  11. GA Growhead

    GA Growhead's - something special this way grows

    Welcome to the not so much of a glog, glog. This is really just more of peak into my garden. This season... Long story short, I'm still dealing with back problems, so my beginning of the season wasn't the best. I got hit hard with aphids. Couldn't pot up quick enough and lost a ton of...
  12. GA Growhead

    windchicken 2015

    Gary, scored you a dvd. Send me your address. The premier was insane! Four generations of heads to see it along with the local vid afterwards! Pulled so many people out of the woodwork, people I haven't seen in forever! The documentary is so sick. Lots of killer footage!
  13. GA Growhead

    Guru's Garden - Traveling the World in Search of Peppers

    It's blazing hot and humid in the ATL! You aren't missing that! I final got some rain, none since last week in my neck of the woods. Looks like you got some over that last couple days, so should be all good! Sick score on the local!
  14. GA Growhead


    Datils are delicious! I have grown them each year since acquiring seeds.
  15. GA Growhead

    Leaf curl on White Devil's Tongue

    I read that it is thought to be a strain of one of the tobacco viruses elsewhere. When I saw that PDF I immediately knew that what it was. I haven't had it spread to any other plants yet, but thinking this is the last year I am going to grow these, just in case. I really wanted to see if it...
  16. GA Growhead

    Have you tried Jigsaw peppers?

    Will let you know. I had three plants last year, each different. I did try to over winter that one, but neglected the overwinters and she didn't make it. It did make the better pod shapes of the three also.
  17. GA Growhead

    Leaf curl on White Devil's Tongue

    I stumbled upon the cause for this last year. My white devil's tongues have done this since first growing them three years ago. I found it in a PDF from the Jamaican MOA about diseases and viruses. Chili leaf curl virus
  18. GA Growhead

    pod was supposed to be 7 pot bubblegum

    Looks like a bbg7, just an off pheno without the calyx.
  19. GA Growhead

    Have you tried Jigsaw peppers?

    One of mine last year tasted of tart cherries. It was delicious. Heat wise, not a record breaker. Growing out seeds from the cherry flavored one, but no pod yet.
  20. GA Growhead

    windchicken 2015

    The premier is on Wed Evening. Went ahead and took the next day off work. :beer: After it is a local sk8 vid with some big heads in it. Should be a crazy night! Will work on getting you a copy! I designed the cover, logo and layed out the booklet w/the DVD... So they owe me. ;) Was a crash...