Today I managed to clear the way into the jungle. Most of them have no fruit or still not ripen yet. I think because of the hot summer we had or maybe low light because of overcrowding? But found this plant, that was supposed to be an Orange manzano (any idea what it is? costarican red maybe?)...
Thanks, your rocoto are awesome :) I think the trigger for starting brewing is somewhere here on the THP forum. I saw a cold room for maintaining fermenting temperature (maybe lager?) and in that moment I realized I want to make my own beer too :) Started from extract kits but now I did my...
Some updates after 6 weeks... Not spending very much time in the garden since I started brewing my own beer :) Lots of weeds but the peppers they are growing well. The time spent in the garden is mostly harvesting.
The big one is Aji Amarillo, nearly my height
Now the rocoto beds which have...
We had 30 C for a week and I didn't see flower dropping but a lot of fruit setting, maybe the shade cloth and the bed height (45-50 cm) are helping, it's a wait and see, pubes are new for me :)
Thanks Paul, they are ready for some fruiting now :) I really like your garden too, everything is well organized and... no weeds :) I wish you too a successful season.
I have a ton of rocoto flowers and some of them did set fruits. Looking at the 18 days ago pics I realize how much everything has grown :)
The wilted baccatum had its stem damaged by ice and now it's almost broken, probably it won't survive.
All the affected Rocoto recovering well, planted also the smaller ones, total 42 plants in 3 beds
The small ones
The frozen chinenses seem to recover, but slow. All baccatum are alive
Not sure about these (like 8-10):
Happened in the last day of Easter holiday while I was away. Trusted the weather guys so didn't frost cover them before leaving. I think most of them will recover because they have big roots already and I see new small growth. But I lost many weeks.