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    soil Soil testing tips?

    Your county extension service will do a great test for around $5
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    water Tap water question

    I've been using straight tap water in all of my hydro systems for years. My plants are rage! NEVER a problem My life is too busy to pretreat water for growing. I couldn't think of a more aggravating thing to do right now. Lawns and landscapes are irrigated with tap water every day
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    chinense Bhut Eating

    It was funny as hell how you blew on the second half to cool it off before you ate it. I do the exact same thing. Nice work!
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    OMG I think I have made a horrible mistake...

    Hot sauce is a commonly use deer repellent. I've never seen it hurt plants or repel deer. Ivory ultra might be a different story
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    Net pot size for DWC system

    I use 3" for everything. Large net pots are better for pond plants
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    soil From Hydro to Soil..

    I do it all the time when I run out of hydro space. I never cut the net pot away. Just watch it for a couple of weeks and water it when it starts to wilt
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    Big mistake.

    I can handle bhuts and scorpions (loosely put), but the 7 pods whip my ass every time. They have a devilish burn
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    seeds Seed & Preservation Question

    Yep, I set them on a paper towel and put them on top of the fridge
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    A bad year

    Dark buckets soak up a ton of heat from the sun. I would put a thermometer in the bucket and see how hot it's getting. I think you'll be surprised. I always put 2 inches of gravel in the bottom of my containers. It allows for better drainage and keeps the holes from getting plugged
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    pests War on aphids

    I use a couple of teaspoons of baby shampoo or nonantibacterial soap, several tablespoons of garlic powder, and a gallon of water. Mix it up and put it in a pump sprayer. Soak the top, bottom, stalk, and root area. I've never had it fail yet, but anything is possible
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    Easy outdoor drip bucket hydro system

    First Datil (2 weeks ago)
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    Easy outdoor drip bucket hydro system

    SS, I'm using an expanded clay product called Hydrocks. It's a ton cheaper and it works just as good if not better. It's basically Hydroton with rough edges. I find that the rough edges actually help root growth and development better than round hydroton. I cycle the system at 6am, 9, 12,3, and...
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    container Sterilite Containers

    The recycled materials is where you can get issues. I own a surplus/salvage company and I've seen the crap people recycle into consumer products. Pesticide bottles, car battery cases, chemical containers......... I'm not into indoor growing mathematics, so I'm not much help calculating lumens...
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    nutrients DWC Nutrients...

    DP, I buy nutes in 25 lb bags, but you can buy it in 5 lb's if you want to. 5 lbs will last most hobby growers for a year. Just call for a shipping charge. They're good folks
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    container Sterilite Containers

    I never use any plastic containers unless they're stamped NSF or food grade. You can get free NSF buckets at any bakery, dog nut shop, or grocery store. Way too much scary shit is recycled into plastic containers. I prefer 100% virgin material
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    Tastyest chili pod

    My absolute favorite is Datil. Great for nibling and sauces
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    Blossom End Rot on peppers

    Use calcium nitrate it's cheap and easy to use. 1 tsp per gallon of water. Spray the leaves and pour over the soil
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    DWC Air Pump Question

    For a coffee keg just buy a small 10-20 gallon aquarium air pump and let it run 24/7. Cycling any motor or pump will send it to an early grave
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    Jalapenos - No Heat.

    Mexican people believe that corking means a hotter pepper, but I think it's just stretch marks. I let them get red and they're always hot
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    What's the best way?

    I pull them off and smash them. I never spray my plants