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    At what temp does the blossom drop kick in?

    You can do yourself a huge favor by pruning any nonessential leaves. It will reduce plant stress and water requirements
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    chinense Habanero Girl

    I would try feeding her something besides a pepper :dance:
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    Easy outdoor drip bucket hydro system

    Here's a pic from the other side of the plats this morning
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    Making soap spray

    I use 2 tablespoons of baby shampoo to a gallon of water. Use a couple of tablespoons of garlic powder if you're after aphids. Aphids hate garlic
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    I was so close to building one of these setups for my children, but I ruled it out after I thought about all the variables. I can get all the equipment for nothing. I just can't see where it will be maintenance free. I am by no means an aquaponics expert, but I know a lot about salt and fresh...
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    sexy pod porn

    There is nothing sexy about a Scorpion. It's all business
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    Easy outdoor drip bucket hydro system

    Ben, I'll be glad to help you out. I'm not a typical hydro/micromanager grower. I work a ton and I don't need another headache. I grow to feed my family and friends, and I sell a little produce to teach my kids about business. I use a Tomato formula from This is the first...
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    indoor Easy indoor outdoor DIY flood and drain hydro

    SS I appreciate the compliment. I'm use 6 54 watt HO 3500 bulbs. I would prefer 6500, but the fixtures came loaded and I'm not about to spend $200 to swap the out. I've been satisfied to say the least with 3500. DT the impeller of pond pumps aren't built to tight tolerances. They have slack...
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    Free 3D Program

    Hydro plants will go through periods of drinking, feeding, and drinking/feeding. You will have to test the nutes BEFORE you add anything to the res. First you will have to fill the res with water first. Then test the nutes. You can do that with one barrel unless you use the one barrel for water...
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    Hydro details

    I just look at the foliage and I never check the roots in a hydro system. Roots only develop as needed. I've has plants 12"+ and the roots never busted through the hydroton. You plants look fine, go have a beer
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    Impact of bed/pot depth on pepper growth?

    OP, AJ brought up a good point about a plants age. A first year plant will be perfectly happy in a 5 gallon container. I have backyard full of happy plants in buckets. I believe that your container plants are doing better because it's much easier to feed and water a container plant properly...
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    sun Sun Scald ?

    Bunch your buckets together so they'll shade themselves. Just for kicks stick a meat thermometer inside one of those buckets. I bet the temps will surprise the hell out of you. Those dark buckets really soak in the heat
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    Night Wilting: What the ....

    Exactly, the technical term is heliotropism. Some plants do it and some plants don't
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    Free 3D Program

    How are you going to get 2 pumps into your barrel down below? When the rain barrel gets full and you need to add water and or nutes to your res how are you going to do it? Why flood to 5" I would use 3" and save a ton of money on clay and you'll also give your res a little wiggle room so it wont...
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    Free 3D Program

    Explain the system a bit. It looks very complicated. Clay will take up well over 1/2 of your volume
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    Gibberillic Acid

    Exactly! Clones are a fancy way of saying cuttings. Guarantee might not be the best choice of word, but it was the best I could come up with. Every garden will have a plant that seems to resist bugs a little better, throws more better tasting fruit, grows bigger/tougher.............. You can...
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    Gibberillic Acid

    You can do anything to manipulate any living creature. Plants have been encoded with DNA that makes them survive and reproduce at all cost, regardless of where or how they live. They will adapt with very little coaxing. Go to any city park in the world and look at the trees. These massive 50+...
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    Green vs. Red

    Red all the way! You can ripen them in a bag, but the flavor wot be the same
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    indoor Easy indoor outdoor DIY flood and drain hydro

    MWM I'm using T5's. They work great