Next you'll want to drill 2 holes in your trashcan. One for the drain and one for the feed line. Remember that you're using gravity, so your drain hole will have to be below your buckets.
5 weeks later you're covered up with produce
Alrighty folk my wife is out of town and I'm bored. Here's a super easy 4 hour project that will make your production numbers off the charts!
Items needed:
Free bakery buckets
1/4" drip tubing
1/2" funny pipe
1/2" Grommets (general Hydroponics)
NSF trashcan
500 GPH + pump. I prefer Danner...
I really like Peruvian Purple and Fish peppers. The purples are beautiful with no heat and the Fish peppers have a killer variegation and they're quite tasty
DT, The table is level and I'm using a 500 gallon Danner pump and it's a horse. It really pours water on to the table. Basically the volume coming in is greater than the volume draining (gravity). You can add additional risers on the drain side to increase the water depth. I pump 5 times a day...
The biggest summer problems come from using colored containers and not bunching the plants together to shade each other. Colored containers get hot as hell. Every degree the soil raises your plant slows respiration exponentially and your plants will stop respiration around 100 degrees! The heat...
I've always attributed it to the plants reaching out to grab as much light as possible and then resting during the evening. It's no different than a Sunflower
There's nothing to worry about that seedling doesn't weigh anything. Right now I have 7 foot tall Tomatoes in buckets filled with clay. We've had nasty thunderstorms and I haven't lost a plant.
I assume you're doing this indoors and if so wait about a week for the plant to settle in and start...
The only difference between hydroponic and dirt nutrients are the micro nutes in hydro formula. You'll pay a ton more for hydro nutes. Just take it easy because plants don't need a mountain of feedings. I personally use plain/cheap 10-10-10 on all of my container and garden veggies and I always...
You should take a hard look at this fertilizer. I've been using it this season and it's excellent and cheap. They sell to commercial hydro growers and they have a wealth of information.
There's a difference between enough light to walk around a room and enough light to grow a plant. Cutting a hole in your roof to grow a plant seems nuts to me
General hydroponics maxigro is available in every hydro store in the world. Its also online. supplies commercial hydro greenhouses and their stuff is great and cheap, about $2 per lb