Search results

  1. PepperWhisperer

    Wild Tepin

    Here's a wild tepin growing in my neighbor's hedge row. I noticed this guy two years ago and it was already fully mature so it is a minimum of 3 years old and growing with nobody paying any attention to it whatsoever. The pic from the top is a little fuzzy, but the bush is a good 4-5' across and...
  2. PepperWhisperer

    spirders, good or bad?

    Love me some spiders! When I find them in the house I rescue them (from the rest of my crazed family) and put them outside where they can do their job in peace. I also have a pretty healthy population of assassin bugs every year and a less reliable population of lady bugs and mealy bug destroyers.
  3. PepperWhisperer

    Distorted new growth...Diagnosis: Arethroid Mites. Insecticide?

    There is an aphid in photo 4 just above and right of center. If there is one on the top of a leaf, there will be a dozen on the bottom.   Careful with the oil based products in the heat, they can do a number on your plants if summer is on full blast. Apply in the evening.    I think there may be...
  4. PepperWhisperer

    Mulch type

    I like to mulch with a local product labeled "Native Mulch" which is lightly composted hardwood chips. The wood is sourced from the city's tree trimming activities. It is sold at the big box stores and is pretty cheap. Gotta love a good public-private partnership.
  5. PepperWhisperer

    Strange leaves, please help

    Pic 1 is a ladybug. Whatever it has been feeding on caused the damage to your leaves. 
  6. PepperWhisperer

    Distorted new growth...Diagnosis: Arethroid Mites. Insecticide?

    Herbicide most likely, but I do see one aphid in pic 4, center-right. Could have mites or thrips as well.   Also, nice macro pics! What did you snap those with?
  7. PepperWhisperer

    All you need to know about Wally-Bags

    I'm using some bags from HEB that are too worn out to use for their intended purpose anymore. I'm counting them as free, since they already served a full useful life as grocery sacks.
  8. PepperWhisperer

    water Collecting condensate water?

    Anything in the condensate water that has just dripped off the coil is also likely in the air you are breathing inside the house. I wouldn't drink it because it is full of dust, mold spores, algae spores, and a smorgasbord of bacteria. I also wouldn't drink rain water for the same reasons...
  9. PepperWhisperer

    Can I get help identifying the pepper plague in my plants?

    I agree with the various methods suggested above. Also, care should be taken when watering. Do not spray the foliage as this will aid the spread of the pathogen. Do not allow soil to splash up onto plants as this is another possible mode of transmission. Maintain hygiene as if you were treating...
  10. PepperWhisperer

    Pod Porn Contest Winner

    Uhhh. Pic 3 is a little too 3-D for my taste.
  11. PepperWhisperer

    Can't decide on a paprika pepper

    Never grown them myself, but I really like a paprika made from Chimayo peppers. Heat is a little less than cayenne, and there is a nice sweet smokiness in there as well.   I also highly recommend Aleppo if you can find a seed source. The flavor is very distinctive. Not an "all purpose" pepper...
  12. PepperWhisperer

    First Fatalii - YUM!

    Bought a few peppers at the farmers market today and at the end the guy said, "I'll throw this one in as a bonus, it's a fatalii, so be careful." I didn't even notice it sitting there or I would have snagged it myself, but I was super excited, since I have never had the opportunity to taste...
  13. PepperWhisperer

    tepin x lemon drop (new f3s in the dirt)

    My best F2 baby. I have been battling fungus gnats, so the whole crop is a little stunted. Growing slowly, but still looking good. Notice how the leaves grow in asymmetrical pairs, and the overall growth pattern is more vining as opposed to the simple bifurcating pattern of most domesticated...
  14. PepperWhisperer

    Chinese Chiles

    She sells chilis imported from China. 
  15. PepperWhisperer

    seeds Putting seeds directly into the soil

    An added plus for direct sowing is that the tap root will be deeper, which theoretically means the plant will tolerate dry conditions for longer. When you sow in a cup or tray, the tap root quickly dives to the bottom of the cup, and once the tip bangs into that hard surface, it encourages the...
  16. PepperWhisperer

    Unknown Peruvian jungle pepper found in the amazon - Aji Maqusari

    Pod shape looks like a bacatum to me. Too bad we can't see the plant and flowers. Open a couple up and bag up the seeds, they might make it through customs more easily.
  17. PepperWhisperer

    shade Pepper varieties that prefer shade

    Chiltepins like part shade. Mata Frade seem to like a less sunny spot, and I would imagine any purple leaf pepper would be the same. I seem to recall that certain other wild varieties grow in shady spots, perhaps one of the wild type experts will chime in.
  18. PepperWhisperer

    Mosaic virus what to do with the dirt?

    Clear plastic. You can keep the soil if you want, but if there is any leaf debris from infected plants in it there will be live virons as well.
  19. PepperWhisperer

    What have I bought?

    Looks like "super chili" to me as well. Compact plant. Prolific, upright fruit. Cayenne level heat, flavor is mediocre. Seems to be a derivative of an ornamental variety that managed to produce decent tasting fruit.
  20. PepperWhisperer

    Mosaic virus what to do with the dirt?