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  1. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    I have a few that I took, this morning. Gotta get them up.   Damn rabbits ate through my fence (it was just netting) and started munching on my lettuce. I wonder what a .50cal muzzleloader will do to a rabbit...
  2. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

      Thanks!   Made it through the heat just fine. Tomatos are going crazy, and a few of my tomatillo plants survived the culling, so they need to go in to the dirt shortly. Peppers are trucking along, but haven't gotten that big, yet.
  3. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

      I think we're getting summer, today! 90's here...hopefully the plants survive, they got tons of water this past week, so we should be good.
  4. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

      They're calling for high 80's around me, this week. That's more summer than I really want ;), I'm liking this mid-70's and sunny thing we've been doing on and off. Might get a bit of wind, tonight and tomorrow, luckily most of the plants in the dirt are short, and everything is fairly...
  5. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    Finally some nice sun, yesterday. Sunday night was down it the mid/low 30's, but the weatherman promises nice, warm temps here on out.   After about 30 minutes of hauling crap out of my garage and shed, we had this...     And after a few hours of planting, we got this:     The shade is...
  6. SeanW

    Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

    Don't mind planting in a little mist, but I need to get all of my plants in and the fences up in a shot - starting in a mist and getting poured on is no fun, and I need to mix my compost/soil/perlite, which'll just be mud at that point. Guess I could fence first, then plant later, but that...
  7. SeanW

    Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

    The storms this weekend are annoying - we were supposed to be clear of it by tonight! Plant out in the rain will suck, so I might have to push out to Memorial day. NWS isn't reporting any tornado-esque weather for me, hopefully you won't have any of that mess out by you. Just rain. My yard is...
  8. SeanW

    Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

    Good to know, I'm likely only going to end up with one purple. The greens sprouted like mad, the purples were stubborn for some reason. I have to separate the greens out, I have a bunch of them in 2 solo cups, but I should be fine. I'm looking forward to seeing my garden, myself ;)
  9. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

      Sounds like the local Agway had the wrong thing delivered :/ They also had no other perlite in stock. The other nearby agway only had 1 cu ft bags (the 4 cu ft bags I was going for were 30, the 1 cu ft bags were 20...blech), and I wasn't going to make it there before they closed. Ordered the...
  10. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    Dammit...just got back from Agway. Bought what I thought were two bags of perlite - the guy even fetched them from the back special for me, but what I got instead were two bags of vermiculite. Guess I gotta go back later today and see what's up.
  11. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    Thanks for the attractor tip - maybe I'll snag a few more herbs while I'm out. Dill and Fennel were some of the casualties of the Great Herb Nuking of 2013 (only survivors were lavender, chamomile and, oddly, cinnamon basil), so getting some more in the garden won't be terrible. Herbs are pricey...
  12. SeanW

    Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

    Looking awesome! I'm not in the dirt, yet, for the most part - got hung up doing some other stuff this weekend :/   It's been a little windy, here, but we have a lot of trees and it's somewhat hilly, so that helps. My house blocks the prevailing wind to the garden, so that should help.   Any...
  13. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    Well, didn't get peppers planted out, but a bunch of herbs are. I also got the "border guards" planted in the garden, alternating marigolds and onions around in the cinder block holes. I'll be putting fencing up, too, but the more I can discourage...   Planning on getting the fencing, tonight...
  14. SeanW

    Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

    Nice looking cheiro! Mine are hoping to see dirt, probably tomorrow, and hopefully they'll take off, as well.
  15. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

        I've got some compost on hand. Perlite in bulk might be difficult for me to source around here, I need to check a few other places, the couple spots I checked just have the little 8qt bags. The compost I have contains some peat, so that should also help with soil compaction. Pondering...
  16. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    I'm hoping to do something similar, and cover the garden in poly, next season, or the end of this one.   Bought a couple herb plants to replace the ones I cooked, I'll be grabbing a few more as the season progresses. I'm trying to support the local nurseries as I can, but they often are quite a...
  17. SeanW

    Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

    Looking good! Love the little pods everywhere, you're going to be rolling in chiles, soon.
  18. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    Thanks, can't claim much credit for it, it was delivered that way ;) Now, to make it even better! Got ya, perlite added to the planting holes, not raked through the whole thing. That makes it a bit easier. Buying enough to rake into the whole garden would be...pricey. 10 day has us into no...
  19. SeanW

    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    I have a pile of sacks of compost, I'll be adding them in during planting. How much perlite would you suggest? There's probably...oh, 5.5-6 yards of soil in there. I also intend on planting out winter rye at the end of the season, for some green manure.